Just a question.

From what I’ve read on all this prostate play stuff a big part is like “awakening/enhancing” how your prostate feels. And I’m just wondering if this is an all the time thing? If I somehow rewire myself does that mean I’ll feel it even in times I don’t want to do anything sexual and just go about my day?

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/aneros/comments/16n9fgq/just_a_question/


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  2. Only for a short time, and not everyone has that either. I had it for a couple weeks, I greatly miss it.

  3. It’s not an all the time thing. A lot of guys (myself included) go through this period where the prostate seems to suddenly activate or wake up at random times during the day. The sensations can vary from slight pleasant feelings of warm buzzing and tingling to sometimes being seriously demanding to the point where it’s distracting, begging you to have a session. But I was always able to have control over it (never had unwanted orgasms or anything).

    At this stage these sensations don’t really happen anymore, so I would say try to enjoy it while it’s happening, even if it can be sometimes distracting in the moment.

  4. Last night I must’ve done everything perfectly. About 60 minutes before using my Aneros toy I enjoyed 25 mg of a hybrid gummy.

    got plenty of lube and inserted the toy, almost instantly feeling excitement. I got into bed laid on my back and put my headphones on with some guided gay themed hypnosis by Jack Stock.

    Within about 10 minutes it really started to takeoff. It continued for over three hours before I took the toy out. But the excitement still continued after the toy was out for another hour.

    It was a First real experience that I could say that I had multiple meaning more than 10 HFO incidents.

  5. I find it depends on my mental state, I have gotten to the point I can give myself a prostate orgasm by force of will

  6. It depends. Only very few guys reported about getting kind of lost in their bliss and don‘t find a way to control their arousal. But there is a recipe from Tantra teachers as simple as this: Drink a lot of water to cool down when your libido gets overheated 🥵 and put one hand on your heart and one hand on your navel while touching your palate with your tongue (to close the microcosmic orbit) and dedicating your surplus of sexual energy to your partner and family. (see Mantak Chia – The Multi-orgasmic Man for deeper insights.) Good vibes!

  7. After doing the Mindgasm thing a bunch, I’ve sort of learnt how to get in touch with my prostate and can stimulate it hands free on demand.

    It’s kinda cool. I’ve managed to find some really hot porn (I’m into hypno sissy stuff) and can cum just from watching. No hands, ma!

  8. I find that when I need to perform PIV or just feel like a good old yanking, I use my aneros bcs I love the additional expanded feeling, sensitivity and larger cums I achieve… after those Sessions, I lose my horniness for any kind of Play… take a few days off then start up the Prostate sessions again… so, no I don’t believe you will be in a constant state of arousal… but there’s always exceptions…. Also, the longer I wait to get back to the Prostate Sessions, the more success I have in obtaining HFDOs and Super O’s… hope this helps you understand what to expect… good luck

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