MGX Trident and Vaseline

Hi all,

Pretty late in life (mid-50s) I’ve started some anal exploration using the MGX Trident. (I accidentally stumbled across it on the Net and decided to not want to die having missed out on something potentially spectacular.) The first couple of sessions I did with water based lube and found it a little scratchy and uncomfortable, and I had to take it out after a few minutes. Then I switched to vaseline and couldn’t be happier. It just glides right in and stays nice and slippery forever. I know one shouldn’t use vaseline with condoms and silicone toys, are there any medical concerns? Back in the 80s I think everybody used it, or at least I gathered as much from the anti-AIDS campaigns.

Now I’ll see where this thing takes me … no particular sensations so far.



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  2. You should never use Vaseline with plastic because they are both petroleum-based, meaning the Vaseline will actually dissolve the plastic. Remember your chemistry class: like dissolves like

  3. I started in my in my fifties too. I’m 56 now. After about 5 years of p-play, I think coconut oil is the best lube for me. I use a lube shooter and the toy moves very easily. Movement is everything. I lay down using a couple of old towels. Don’t have to worry about any mess then. Good luck.

  4. I use a thin layer of vaseline first, then cover with a light coating of Astroglide on top of the vaseline. I then use homemade suppositories made from raw shea butter to prelube. I just insert one before a session and body heat melts it completely in a few minutes. This gives great movement. If there are any health issues to using vaseline internally, I haven’t had any problems in about 6-7 years of using the Aneros. (55 male)

  5. Actually my early discomfort with water based lube seems to have been due to a lack of practice. I’ve re-tried it and it works just fine. So far, however, my success hasn’t progressed beyond smooth insertion. After about ten sessions I’m still waiting to feel anything at all. But all beginners tutorials preach a lot of patience, so let’s see about that.

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