No device and making small steps to progress – with no weed!

I have been trying with devices (mainly Aneros) for about 6 years now and had very limited success until the start of this year. A bit of Mindgasm seemed to help get me started but what really unlocked it for me was eating cookies with weed in them. My sessions were incredible once I started with the weed even though I still can’t say I reached any kind of orgasm as such – I just really enjoyed the sessions (but generally drifted off to sleep – probably thanks to the weed). Anyway, recently I’ve stopped the weed due to some mental health issues and my success with toys has been zero unfortunately. But the last couple of nights (and last night in particular) I’ve had some really promising results with no toy at all and just totally being relaxed in bed and just kind of “feeling” the area around my prostate – and I don’t mean with my hands, I just mean being very aware of the sensations there. I did play with my nipples a bit which also helped. But as I’ve read many times it’s the subtle sensations that seem to build. I can’t pretend it was as good as when I was on the weed but I’m really encouraged by this. I was having horny thoughts also but I think the key thing was that nothing felt forced in any way. And the other thing I’ve always felt helps me is not any kind of rapid flexing of the muscles in the area but very slow and subtle tensing until I start to feel pleasure sensations and then holding that for a while or even letting it take the lead with where my flexing goes from there. I hope I’m making sense. I’m still in no way an expert on this but I found it better than trying to follow a more rigid practice like Mindgasm (although that still probably a great start to help people get to know the muscles in the area) and I was inspired by another post on here where someone else had gotten great results with no device. I think we are all very different and because the mind plays such a large part as well I think a lot of it is about finding your own “zen” state where you are really in tune with your body. I’m by no means there yet and I may have a dud session next time but I just wanted to share – and I’m especially pleased because I was thinking I’d only get anywhere again if I used weed and now I know there is hope without it!



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  2. Congrats! Such a fun activity this prostate play. I typically get my best results with weed too but would like to not be dependent on it for results. Going to have a session today without and to get into the mindset I’m planning on feming up a bit with a bra and mini skirt. I get some of my best results while visualizing that I’m a hot chick, just relaxed and taking the pleasure. Damn, getting some light aless just thinking about it!

  3. Thank you for sharing, your experiences are relatable.

    In the mornings I’ve started to wake up about an hour earlier than normal. I spend that time alone in the dark, in the living room chair, practicing muscle control, relaxing my thoughts and focusing on the tiniest of sensations around the prostate. It’s been rewarding time with myself.

    Enjoy your journey!

  4. I have a similar story, I finally started having sessions with all the same prep and setup (for the mind to rewire) but without any device, and no cannabis. Like you I wasn’t getting far without my canna, but then I had this session that was really good, by any standard it was really good, but not as good. Fast forward six months. I just had one of the best sessions I have ever had. This one was Aless and canna less. I even had a super orgasm, Of course I love supers, but this one was much better.

    It’s all in the mind, and nipples. Relaxation to the point of falling open is needed. Play with your nipples every time you play with your prostate, tell yourself they are the same pleasure and you love it. Before you know it they are connected (still not fully there myself, but very close).

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