The best and worst thing about protate orgasms and super-Os

The best thing about prostate orgasms and super-os is that if you learn to control them they can last pretty much as long as you want. But that also the worst part because you never go over the hump and get that feeling of relief that a normal penile orgasm provides. Anybody feel the same way?



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  2. In my best thing is that it doesnt go over the hump and i can go as long as i possibly can. The worst is that its too good and its addicting. If I do a break from it its fine. But when i do it once then im horny all the time

  3. The best is that they are mind blowing and each one feels somewhat unique. The worst (for me) is that they are not easy to achieve. I only get one about 20 percent of the time.

  4. I feel so good and exhausted that I fall asleep after a while, sometimes.

  5. No, I love the energized high from endorphins, much better that the drained feeling of conventional orgasm

  6. I definitely relate. For me there are three types of sessions that I can have:

    – pwaves that build to increasingly intense dry prostate orgasms, which continue in waves until eventually building to one or more Super-O’s. The most satisfying sessions by far, also the most time consuming (takes me a few hours and a fair bit of THC to build up to Super-0).

    – pwaves that build to increasingly intense dry prostate orgasms, and just continue like that until I decide I’ve had enough. These can be quite satisfying and I don’t feel the need for a traditional release at the end to be content.

    – pwaves and small- to moderate- intensity dry orgasms that feel like they’re building to something bigger (first two scenarios), but never actually get there. These sessions will start out feeling like they’re going to be really good, but due to expectations or whatever, they just never develop to their full potential. Eventually that feeling of something better always being just around the corner starts to get frustrating. I’ll often end these sessions with a Super-T (which can be very satisfying itself).

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