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  2. Lube it really good with organic coconut oil, also insert some. Let it do its thing.

    That device is excellent for waves, just relax with it in. If she gives you a blowjob with it in you should receive some wonderful new feelings. Forget the device is there and you will be rewarded.

  3. Be patient, it takes most guys months at least to get the most out of Aneros toys…

  4. First purchaser here as well my Helix Syn Trident is on its way to me and I’m pretty excited to try it. I’ve never done any kind of prostrate massaging before so everything will be new!

  5. Don’t expect instant gratification, guys! At first I was frustrated and relegated my Aneros massagers to the old shoebox, but after about a year of practicing Mindgasm techniques, ditching cheap water-based lube for solid Crisco in the can or coconut oil, and developing my PC muscles with a lot of practice and discipline, I’ve unlocked and climbed onto a higher plateau of skill and pleasure. It sounds cheesey, but learning to use an Aneros is like learning martial arts – it takes time, practice, discipline and skill. If you’re frustrated, understand that’s normal and do more research and seek help on techniques (here, Aneros or other online forums). To use a video game analogy, there are many unlocks to achieve before opening the (back) door to greater pleasures.

    What helped me is Mindgasm, stopping porn consumption and switching to arousing but non-nude videos, adult audio files (Shibidex, etc.), and long practice sessions starting with my Peridise and trying different slight contractions and body movements.

  6. Enjoy the time exploring with your wife… very lucky man… it is great to hear that you can do this together

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