Are super Os only mental? An experience I had.

Today I had a session with the aneros, and just letting my body choose the pace and what muscles. After a while I felt a buildup and a rolling warmth over my body. Then the physical pleasure mostly subsided and it became purely mental. It was almost psychedelic, I could not move my body, and it felt like my limbs were changing sizes and like I was floating. The mental pleasure felt like a grandiose ball/thing, but something I could observe and feel from the outside. It also kept growing and at a certain point I became anxious of it so I slowly got out of this trance.

Are super-Os only mental only physical? Was this a super O? It was very satisfying although I couldn’t really comprehend or properly feel it in the moment.



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  2. one thing i realised after so many super O is that, it doesnt matter how you have it, what triggers it, how incredibly impossible the pleasure is, how strongly your body react to it, it all come down to this deep deep satisfaction that’s always there, that makes everything perfect regardless of the intensity of the physical pleasure. it makes the smallest pleasure as satisfying as the most intense pleasure, it makes 1 unit of pleasure the same satisfying as 10000000000unit of pleasure. i guess it is really peace, at its purest form

  3. I personally don’t put a lot of stock in the labels that are put on different sensations. Was that a p wave? Is this feeling an orgasm? Who cares? One thing I can say is that you KNOW when a super o has happened, so if you are left wondering, then it probably wasn’t one. It sounds to me like you were experiencing the ‘calm seas’ phenomenon (look it up on the wiki). Whatever it was, it sounds like it was a new level for you. Congratulations, and keep going. There are even more levels than these, so don’t get too hung up on categorizing this one.

    As to your question, no, I don’t think a super o is purely mental or purely physical. They inevitably work in tandem. But, I do think they can be experienced predominantly one way or the other. The prostate allows a much greater range of sensations than a penis. As such, what you experienced as mental this time could flip and be something more physical next time. Again, don’t worry about analyzing it all (fun as that may be). Just enjoy the ride, cause you never know where you’ll end up.

    Edit: grammar

  4. Comments thus far are “spot-on” (pun intended)
    I think you got freaked out by the unfamiliar sensations and stopped yourself from experiencing the “real deal.” Be that as it may, getting to the point where you were today is a huge success!! So definitely, congratulations on that 👏
    My biggest hurdle is my mental state of mind. Physically, I’m always turned on and aroused anytime something gets remotely close to my ass😯
    Just know you’re not going to combust if you let yourself completely LET GO.
    Can’t wait to hear how your next session goes, and thanks for sharing 👍

  5. I suppose this isn’t exactly what you’re asking about but an important experience I had early on was to accept that the sensations were real and not just in my head. It’s such an ethereal experience that it made me wonder if it was even real.

  6. This sounds like it might have been a state of altered consciousness to me if it felt like your limbs were changing sizes. I’ve had very similar feelings and it’s okay to not be sure at first, but if you relax in to it it’s so rewarding.

    It starts with a falling or floating feeling and then my imagination goes wild. I can imagine things so vividly or see colours etc.

    I’ve had loads of weird and wonderful things happen when I’ve got to that stage. In my last session I imagined that my whole body had turned in to a penis 😂 weird? Yes. Felt incredible though. Each orgasm I’d have would make this penis (or me) throb and twitch with pleasure.

  7. It’s called calm seas. Ride it almost always leads to a super o. But they are not the start of one

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