Why are consecutive sessions always worse? Does anyone else experience this?

I typically play with my Aneros most Friday and Saturday nights. Almost every weekend, I have an amazing session on Friday night and then a lackluster session on Saturday night.

Has anyone else experienced this?

I have a couple of theories 1) I usually end my sessions by ejaculating. Maybe the 5-6 days without ejaculating makes my Friday night sessions better. 2) I typically end my sessions with a vibrator, helix syn. I know vibrations can desensitize, but I would think that would go away after 24 hours. 3) Expectations. Now that I have noticed this trend, could I be manifesting it by expecting my Friday sessions to be good and my Saturday sessions to be worse? 4) In the moment, I often find myself comparing the current session to the previous one. Chasing the dragon, trying to achieve the highs that I experienced the night before, instead of just existing in the moment.

Honestly, none of these are very convincing to me because I have tried not ejaculating at the end of the session, I have avoided the vibrator or only used the lowest setting, and I have had sessions where I was mostly in the moment and not comparing, but the trend almost always still holds.

Is this a typical experience? Any ideas for making both of my sessions amazing?

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/aneros/comments/17ujz9p/why_are_consecutive_sessions_always_worse_does/


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  2. Maybe tolerance? My first what I guess was a hfdo was very nice and the consecutive days I feel like it is less pleasurable.

  3. I think that all of your theories would fit. Also: If you analyze and compare and put that much effort in finding what could be the reason behind all this, you are not relaxed, you block yourself and don‘t let it come / cum naturally but force it. It really sounds like a mental blockage. Some sort of stress you put yourself under because you want to make your Saturdays better so badly. Drop your rules, your expectations. Become playful again and don‘t follow a strict regimen. Well, that‘s at least what comes into my mind reading that… Don‘t lose hope though!

  4. Yes all of them.

    I try to avoid ejaculating, I try not to have expectations because it creates pressure to perform which increases tension, not something particularly productive for letting Aneros do its thing. Yes, desensitized due to vibrating toy too.

    One ejaculation in a while doesn’t hit my experiences as much, but ejaculating everyday certainly impacts the experience.

  5. I used to experience some of this, it all came down to relaxation. I can relax my way into orgasm after orgasms for hours at a time every session.

    I do keep it to three sessions per week now, just a good pace for me.

  6. If I play with my Helix several nights in a row while on a business trip sometimes mine get even more intense.

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