I want my story to be heard, because it helps me to deal with it (My problems following use of Aneros)

(also posted on the officifal forum)

Hey there Aneros Community,let me type my story, because I need a place to put it. I have nobody else to speak because, I feel so ashamed about it. I was too embarrassed about it to bring it up in therapy so far.

When I was younger I got interested in my butt and for a gay guy this is nothing extraordinary. Somehow I stumbled about the topic Aneros and got interested in it. One day I bought Aneros and tried it several times. Then I abandoned all toys I had, since they did not do it for me and I was still living in my familys place, a bad place for secret butt toys.

After moving out I got interested in it again. I bought aneros again and this time it worked. I orgasmed with it. One very long session (+porn) made me panic. After two hours or so I felt sore and dried out – I didn’t drink all the time and stared non stop at the screen. Something didn’t sit right with me and I was wierded out and was disgusted.

I stopped and ejaculated normally and this was a moment of panic. My dick felt so different and I was worried I had damaged it – after such very long time of sexual stimulation. I was afraid to ejaculate, but did it anyways. I was using porn and then I wanted to ejaculate a second time, which I did again on porn.I was so terrified this evening and my prostate wouldn’t stop tingling. It was there all the time. I quit the topic completely and brought the toy to the garbage – again.

Since this evening I had a constant fixation on my prostate. This was maybe one or one and a half year ago. Sometimes I thought about Aneros and this would be the moment my prostate would stirr a little. And a little every day until today. The problem is that I rewired all this time, with a worrysome feeling rather than a sexual lusty one.

The story about rewiring terrified me, because I knew, every time I was feeling into my prostate I would encourage the rewiring mechanism. I have poor impulse control because of my psychic condition and a ocd tendency. The stories about the man who couldn’t stop to orgasm during regular sex, some accounts on kundalini and newbies’ worries on never ending tingles worsened my fear and my fixation on not feeling something in my prostate. (The story about not thinking elephant).

And here I am right in the spot I tried not to end up in. I constantly feel the arousable tissues in my ass, behind my dick. Whenever I want to just sit, just lie – I can’t. I have no peace anymore since I am busy balancing my energies. Sexual activity turned into a chore, because if I do not masturbate I slide into tingles and orgasming during everyday life. I sleep worse.

This is a terrible state to be in and I wish I had never touched aneros. I wish my progress would have vanished to “regular” or “before”, like it usually does. The storys about unhandable orgasms and uncontrollable shaking and wierd moaning sounds still haunt me. I still feel into my prostate … well all day, all night and arousability increases more and more.

I don’t know what to do anymore, this is not the life I pictured. If I had the possibility I would sue the company for not including warnings in the instructions and fund help and research for those conflicted, like me.Being multiorgasmic is not my vision of a meaningful life, it’s actually the opposite. Egoistic pleasure trips have no valuable outcome. We despise drugs for the same, if they do not serve the connection of a group or ritualistic or symbolic uses. Being multiorgasmic stirrs my fear of staying lonely and wierding potential SOs out.

(I think: Being multiorgasmic is the vision of a company that wants to thrive and profit financially. A company is not a compassionate system. For example Fast Food Places sell food that’s gonna make you sick. A company does not care about individual wellbeing, it follows capitalistic philosophy.)

I honestly stopped hoping for it to go away. I seem to tick all boxes that help to feel the rectum: low body fat (poor insulation), lots of body hair (additional sensory input/irritation of skin), poor impulse control and depressive mood, anxiety, issues about the own sexuality due to being gay, irritated prostate due to kaffein and adhd medication, increased awareness on the rectum due to bowel disease, a nasty aching backbone, body dismorphic tendencies that take awas the fun of masturbation (because I would ruin the foreskin) and so on…

Guys, I feel terrible! And I have no idea praying aside and putting my pain into words, like here.

My next try is buying a classic dildo and see if I have more fun with sexuality, when I handle my arousal with a toy again.I am very sad and regretful about all this.

If you read this, maybe drop some lines, so I can feel a little consolation.

Kind Regards.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/aneros/comments/183ntpg/i_want_my_story_to_be_heard_because_it_helps_me/


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  2. Personally, I WISH I had constant tingles. Every session I say “I hope THIS session breaks my prostate and I get constant pwaves forever.” But it never happens.

    >Egoistic pleasure trips have no valuable outcome

    Granted, I do disagree with this mindset… if someone spent their entire life in an orgasm, doing and accomplishing nothing but moaning and writhing until death, I’d say that was a good life.

    Though, since you don’t agree with that, I am sorry you are going through it. I’d trade prostates with you if I could.

  3. I checked your post history and it seems like you are dealing with ADHD and OCD—this sounds to me like very classic obsessions and intrusive thoughts that have come to a point where they are affecting your life. You need to see a therapist and a psychiatrist to help get your brain chemistry back into balance and learn some coping strategies to manage these thoughts.

    I would stay away from butt stuff (as it seems like a trigger for you) for the time being until you can work with someone who can help you process all of your hangups around it. Medication is not evil and with the right team, can really make a difference in your quality of life. I’m sure you’re tired of feeling this way, so I hope you can make some proactive steps to address it!

  4. becoming multi Orgasmic has been one of the greatest things that have ever happened to me, embrace it!

  5. I know from experience that amphetamines can be a powerful aphrodisiac. I stopped using them years ago, before Aneros, but your medication may be contributing to your problem.

  6. Good interesting post OP – have never thought I’d like this to ‘go away’ and have similar levels of response (random P Waves or easy HFDO etc).. Initially I found the experience of multiple HFDO or Super O to be a bit confronting (raised catholic and straight) so there were some mental obstacles from my upbringing to arrive at fully accepting what my body can do.

    Am now at a point where I’m very grateful to have found this level of pleasure and don’t consider session times to be wasted time in the least – so long as it occurs in free time and not at the expense of family or work I’m fine with it.

    I do wonder if more men found this what the impact on society would be and suspect it’d cause a fair bit of upheaval in Gender dynamics, so this being still a fairly small block of the male population and growing slowly is probably not a bad thing.

    Probably the biggest issue I had with Super O’s especially was wondering if this was what woman felt and therefore wondering if I was now addicted to penetration. In the longer haul I think letting go and accepting each O received as simply an orgasm and being grateful that I get to experience these is a mindset that works for me.

    As others have said – it’s probably good that given the conflict you have with this that backing off and rebalancing what it all means to you is probably a sensible and healthy thing for you… can’t see continuing down this road while feeling as you do to be a good idea.

  7. You aren’t the only one that this has happened to. But there is no blaming the company, and I dont think this is a result of excessive capitalism. The company actually gives almost no instructions, except to check out the forum. In the forum you can fine success stories (like mine) and a few stories of precaution like yours. Everyone ought to say the pros and the cons before trying.

    Otherwise I agree with the poster saying it sounds like some ocd issues.

  8. So the first time I used the aneros I literally thought I broke my body for a week. I had insane tingles 24 7 and felt like my penis didn’t work anymore. Was even tricky to get hard….

    Good news is that went away after a week and the pwaves and tingles only came on when I was aroused.

    I have managed to get rid of being rewired before thru masturbation and 0 prostate play that took a few months.

    But why? Being rewired is amazing. Look at getting into meditation and learn to live and enjoy the tingling feeling you have and can use.

    I couldn’t quite make it out, but if this is the first week of using the aneros and the symptoms are huge right now there is no getting rid of that for now. But relax they will die down to a manageable level.

    Also thc greatly increases the tingling feeling. 

    Head over and download the mindgasam act and do the lessons. That will teach you what you are dealing with. 

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