Just got a Vice. Muze bullet cap stuck in the on position. Help?

So overall this is all in all an okay experience. I ordered a Vice sold by Amazon on Amazon and just got it in the mail today. The Muze, the silver vibrating bullet that inserts into the toy, has a malfunctioned cap piece. I was able to cycle only 2 patterns until the button got stuck in the on position and won’t release. I called aneros and they said they sold the Muze separately for $100, and none of its parts individually were sold. I messaged Amazon support and they gave me a full refund on my purchase and said I did not need to send anything back (this blew my mind) but they are currently out of stock so they wouldnt be able to replace it anyways. Regardless, I now have a free Vice with a broken Muze button. Does anyone know how I could fix it?

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/aneros/comments/584pwk/just_got_a_vice_muze_bullet_cap_stuck_in_the_on/

1 comment

  1. That has happened to me a few times. I don’t have a “real” fix per se, but I found that if I just played with the button for a bit, hitting it from different angles and whatnot it would dislodge itself eventually.

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