“A Sheer Test Of Willpower: I’m Burning Up with Sexual Desire”

How I didn’t ejaculate during this surfing session is beyond belief! Let me explain……

I am up around 4 AM this morning with a raging erection. I started with my usual routine for soft, stimulating music. But I realized that that wasn’t working. So I embarked on a different journey. I began to meditate like I do sometimes. Only this time, the meditation became quite sexual and vivid. I’ll entitle it “Sex = Male”. Now I want to preface this by explaining that this meditation would appear quite sexist in its theme. But that is not intentional on my part. Let me clarify…..

I began to dwell on the “meaning” of sex and I am pulled-into the concept of male sexuality. This was a long, meditative process and would be too lengthy to detail here. But I dwelt at length on the real reason for sex (so obvious!) and the male “tools” and how they came to be. In particular, why is our penis shaped the way it is? Why do we get wet when we are aroused? Why is our package located on our body where it is? Why are our testicles located where they are? Why does ejaculation feel so good? When I am aroused, why can’t I think of anything other than sex? You get the idea! It was almost like a biology lesson. Now, I am not demeaning the role of females in this concept. But I am getting to the root of the sex act and why it is up to us males to initiate, perform and complete it.


I am completing this meditation and realize that I still have a raging erection and feel that I could experience an involuntary ejaculation or even a wet dream. I am wearing a pair of cotton trunks and I have my safety towel in place. I feel like I really could use it this morning! Anyway, I am squirming on my stomach first on my right side then on my left. And at one point, I am very lightly tugging at my trunks up front and am getting a nice “jolt” in my penis, coaxing me ever closer to an ejaculation.

I realized that I probably will be ejaculating soon, so I decided to “force” the ejaculation (a “pseudo wet-dream?”) with a good binaural for that purpose. I put on my earbuds, laid back down and again began to start burning up with sexual desire. I thought this was it. I am waiting for the PONR and an explosive ejaculation within the towel. it was so close. But I came to the end of the 30-minute track without release. I know I could be only a stroke or two away. I am awash in precum and I feel this sexual “burning” deep within my groin. If only I could ejaculate!

But something deep down is telling me to hold-back until the proper time, like with my wife. This is a sheer test of my willpower and I cannot succumb to the sexual burn. I just have to endure…..So with a sheer leap of faith, I stopped all stimulation both physical and mental and began to cool-down…..I have nothing to show for all of this ecstasy: no wet pool of semen, nothing to clean-up. The fire is out, but it is still smoldering…..


Wow! This was probably the most intense “surfing” session I have ever experienced. What have I learned from all of this? I need to meditate some more, but I now have this innermost sexual confidence of what being a man is all about!


Source: https://www.aneros.com/blogs/a-sheer-test-of-willpower-im-burning-up-with-sexual-desire/