Devilish little Eupho Syn teached me a lesson (post in the works – to be nearing completion)

Hi again, now that I’ve catched up on some sleep after little Eupho Syn left me too jaded to continue my blogpost on sunday [sorry for that cliffhanger] I must admit that I am still worn out by my prostate determined sex life of the last month. Since my gland awoke it seems to go off to sleep nevermore.
All day present vibes and unvoluntaries rule my day and all your varied experiences you share on this site add some new kick each day. That’s no complain at all! Thank you for sharing! Although alltogether it becomes extremely time-consuming, I nevertheless don’t want to miss any of my new experiences. And there are a lot, to name but a few of the last week:

While standing fully naked in front of the bathroom mirror I looked at my nipples and I hit on the idea of doing some mental nipple play. I raised my elbows and pointed with my forefingers at my nipples, slowly coming closer but not yet touching. Like induced electric power some signals at once stirred my gland and sudden unvoluntaries followed. In half a minute I had a semi-hard-on and was fully aroused doing some wild erratic motions. I smiled lustfully. When the first p-gasm arose my face changed to a wild and wicked expression showing me all my horniness. Leering at myself I watched me nodding towards my nipples as to say, “now touch them”. As soon as my fingertips grazed the nipples sudden impulses ran through my body and elicited wild convulsions and horny waves of bliss. When the feelings subsided I saw myself with a wicked grin touch them again triggering the next orgasm. Watching my face gave a second thrill and I got randy more and more by watching me teasing myself for even more twitching and running wild.

Brushing my teeth I tracked the vibrations and guided them to my prostate, thinking about it being stimulated thereby. Soon p-waves and some little unvoluntaries followed. The aim to get all teeth properly brushed was too much distraction to go any further.


My sunday session now taught me how everything depends on the current combination of internal and external circumstances. Having slept deeply for more than eight hours and having enough space and time enabled my devilish little Eupho Sin to teach me a lesson I will not forget in a hurry.

I must start by saying the following. My inner voice meanwhile acts as an interpreter to me helping to understand the commands of my gland thus developing dialogues in their own dynamic. Subsequently I will simplistically say “my gland said” to report about my inner voice’s words.

Having plenty of time I got prepared thoroughly and got my tiny little Eupho Syn in place, well lubed. From the outset I had decided to “do nothing”, on my bed l lay down on my stomach, grabbing a pillow of firm but squeezy foam and exhaled noisily. My legs were covered with the blanket. When I wanted to spread one leg to get into my best position for fast arousal I heard my gland say: “Legs together.” I did as I was told. Somehow this command already gave me a shiver. Only seconds later first unvoluntaries shook my buttock and my erection grew. I had put a towel under my pelvis and some paper towels on top to banish any thought about stains on the bed. The paper furthermore should help me to see how many precum I would ooze. I had not to wait long for my first p-gasm.

[… /still to be continued, sorry, too late again]
