“Don’t Laugh: A New Mindset To Combat My DE”

A short “surfing” session but with a new twist! Here are the details…..

I awoke about 5 AM with a strong erection. I put a safety towel under my cotton boxer briefs and go lie down. No music this time. After a short while, I seem to have fallen-into NOT a fantasy NOR even a meditation. This was different and I think the appropriate word is “MINDSET”. This is what it felt like…

I am starting to squeeze my very erect shaft from the bottom then up towards the middle and finally towards the top glans. And then I repeat this all over again and again. And sometime during this manual manipulation of my cock, it dawned on me that perhaps my mindset during these surfing sessions is all wrong.

Now here is the part where you may chuckle, but I swear this was the image. I compared my penis with a fire hose. Yes, it was that simple but it became very effective. When a fire truck arrives at a fire, what do they do? Of course, lay-out the fire hose, connect up the nozzle and turn ON the water. In similar fashion, when there is a sexual “fire” burning within myself or even within my wife, the “hose” becomes my cock, the nozzle becomes its tip (glans) and the water becomes the semen! Ha! A childish comparison you say? Well, maybe but let me tell you……it worked! Now as I continued to perform the cock-squeezing within this new mindset, I began to also develop a very POSITIVE mindset towards putting out this “fire”. And as I continued in this positive mindset, my mind began to dwell NOT on my continual issue with DE (delayed ejaculation) but rather on the immediate task at-hand: putting out the fire (ie, ejaculating)! And after a short while in this mindset, I gave up the negative feeling of non-ejaculation to one of “Let’s put out this fire”! I felt closer to a PONR than ever at this point. (I felt the fire hose filling up with water and am ready to aim it at the fire).

Now since I am only at Day 6 of SR and will be reaching a testosterone peak tomorrow, I wanted to “save” the impending ejaculation (put out the fire) until another day. I am still getting-over a nasty head cold I have had for a week now, and have told my wife that my irritability lately is a result of no sex. She is very understanding.

I have learned a lot from this “session”, namely, that my mindset is important in my sexual response. I will definitely try this again during another surfing session!

PS Toward the end when I felt near the point of no-return, my mindset was: “I need to put-out this f*****g fire right now! That positive mindset made all the difference!


Source: https://www.aneros.com/blogs/dont-laugh-a-new-mindset-to-combat-my-de/