Newbie here, some questions

Hi to you all guys, i am a newbie with aneros and with anal play in general. I would like to ask you some questions.
I have been trough 4-5 sessions so far, and what i had some pleasurable feelings but nothing really amazing. I know about the patience thing, not forcing it etc but i was wondering if i ve been things wrong. I read lots of differents approach, but here what am i doing right now:
– insertion (even tough i haven’t been in anal play before, i really got used to it very quickly and also i find the insertion part really enjoyable)
-then i lie on my bed, usually on a side
-wait some minutes
-start doing contractions (almost at random, let’s say i try to start with haflway contractions)
-from time to time i try to hold contractions

my results so far:
-some pleasure build up, nothing really amazing yet pleasurable, in both the contractions and holding phases.
-twitching? maybe, i sometimes felt like my rectum tried to push out the toy while holding the contraction, and sometimes i felt something like subtle contractions like deep inside my pelvis, but i can’t really tell if they were completely involontary.
-anyway all of my reasults are very subtle and i can manage to keep them far a very little time.

So that’s it. My concerns are:
Am i doing it right? what are the steps you take? Any tricks on how to reach the involontary contractions?
I don’t even know if i am making the right questions so feel free to add everything you want, i am very eager to understand and learn

Thanks in andvance to everyone will come up with something, peace!



  1. So far, after a year or so of experimenting with prostate play, I’m unable to get anywhere with my Aneros.

    You might be the same. Maybe an Njoy Pure Wand or some other toy?

  2. do you feel the toy hitting the spot?
    maybe you need a thicker massager like a Vice or Progasm

    I have the best results lying flat on my back,
    nothing under my ass, no cushion, nothing,
    this kind of details can make a big difference
    but anyway, it dont explain why you dont have much more pleasure

    you should try a thicker toy, that’s my advice
    and dont be shy with the contractions, hit hard the spot,
    slow down, then go faster, then gently, then harder again, spread your legs, raise your legs, move you ass like a woman in full action, make love, there is a feminine part in you, this part can have pleasure , plenty, plenty pleasure, incredibly more than you can obtain by stroking your penis

    the hands free stuff is all about making love to this feminine part in you, the prostate can make this little miracle happen

  3. Try having sessions without manual contractions. Limit your sessions to once a week. If you feel nothing after 30-45 minutes, end the session. There are no tricks to reach involuntary contractions. Involuntary contractions occur of their own volition. Kegels, Reverse Kegels will not cause involuntary contractions. The quality of the rewire determines whether the involuntary contractions will occur.

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