“Meditation: I Am Uniquely Me!”

While listening to a favorite track on YouTube: “DJ Fotis – Music For Sex (Round 5)” I “fell-into” a meditation. In a nutshell, here it is…….

In all the universe, I am uniquely “me”. There is no one else like me anywhere. What does this mean exactly? It means that only I will experience my unique pleasures of life. That may involve food, traveling, friends and yes, even sex! As it applies to the Aneros experience, what this means to me is that my Aneros pleasures are uniquely mine and no one else’s! That is not to imply that others may not experience what I am experiencing. Of course, we have shared pleasurable experiences. But it means that my experiences with my prostate in particular, are uniquely and ultimately mine!

Is it wrong to want to experience Aneros pleasures such as the Super-O the way others have? No, but I need to realize that even when I don’t have the exact same experiences and realms, neither do they experience mine. Is there a sense that I am traveling alone through this thing called life? Perhaps. But the true joy in life I believe is in experiencing shared pleasures. If I can master this aspect of living, I believe I have accomplished a great deal.

PS A lot of this meditation could not be put into words; I tried as best to say what I was feeling. This was a very powerful moment for me and I tried to share some aspects of it.

PS A continuation…..When you were born, you were given a passport to the greatest adventure of your life! Go live it!


Source: https://www.aneros.com/blogs/meditation-i-am-uniquely-me/