“Male Chastity: Is A Wet Dream Coming?”

I knew something was coming. Last night, before bedtime, and out of nowhere, I started getting fairly extreme Aless. I didn’t even plan it. Why? For some reason, my prostate started to spasm and it felt good. Now fast-forward to this morning……I am in bed in my chastity cup and like usual, I have a strong erection and am squirming around, mostly on my stomach. I feel every twitch from the head of my cock. Anyway, I am only in Day 4 of SR but I swear it feels like Day 40! As I continue squirming, I distinctly feel like I am going to ejaculate. Then, it happened! I felt like I was peeing! I couldn’t stop it. Now I had just gone to the bathroom not long ago, so it couldn’t have been pee? But something was coming out! When I got out of bed about 15 minutes later, I removed the cup and was surprised to see that my cock’s head was covered in something clear! I touched it and it was clear but only partially sticky! OMG! What was this? The start of a wet dream? (or more technically an auto-ejaculation?) Or was it a wet orgasm (without ejaculation)? Now as a side note, I have been having regular lucid dreams but they are of a non-sexual nature. Perhaps if I continue on this pathway and think about something sexy before falling asleep, I may be able to trigger that involuntary wet dream! I can’t wait!

PS I feel like my body is preparing me for a new “cycle” of wet dreams. This “wet orgasm” I feel is just the beginning phase. I know that while in male chastity, it is not a matter of “if”…….it is a matter of “when” the wet dreams start. As a healthy male in chastity, I will eventually HAVE to experience wet dreams. There is no choice!

PS Uh-oh! I got ready to shower and removed the cup. It is wet on the inside! I didn’t know this before!


Source: https://www.aneros.com/blogs/male-chastity-somethings-coming/