“A New Cup, A New Technique”

“A New Cup”
I bought a new chastity cup and just tried it out: a Bike adult baseball jockstrap with a traditional Bike cup. At first, I thought it was a little too tight and restrictive, but after a while, it is a good feeling. This jockstrap cannot be worn without the cup……it is just too small and restrictive otherwise. But when paired with the cup, the sensation is wild! I have not slept in it yet for chastity, but feel that it is only a matter of time to get it into the “rotation”. BTW, this came in a 2-pack: two jocks and one cup. I ordered adult large size (I am a 36 waist).

PS I am into day 9 of SR and getting really horny. I need to stay in chastity as long as possible. Otherwise, I find myself playing with my package too much and may regret the stimulation! Oh, how I crave an edging session! But I’m not ready to cum yet; I don’t have any blue-balls feeling.

PS I have three cups now and each one has its own unique “signature” feeling. The jockstraps (I have four) also have their own characteristics. Usually, I pair them up as originally bought. But sometimes, I mix them up for a “different” sensation.

“A New Technique”
During this morning’s session, I “discovered” a new Aneros session technique. I’ll call it “Ignore-It!” and here is how it works….

Most of us Aneros guys are now very familiar with the “do-nothing” technique where we are passive “bystanders” in our Aneros sessions. This technique goes one step further: just ignore the prostate massager! Do what you were doing: sleeping, dreaming, listening to music, etc. Just be sure to completely ignore the Aneros and anything related to it…..that includes any mental prep which may include fantasies or meditations or porn. But here is the “catch”…….just like the “do-nothing” session sometimes (usually) leads to a more “active” session and more intense prostate stimulation, the “ignore-it” technique may (will) eventually lead you back to the arousal path. If you try to do this without much (or any) thought, so much the better! The point is, the prostate will continue to be stimulated, whether you are “in the game” or not! It is a great, new technique and I plan to take full advantage of it in future sessions! BTW, the time is completely irrelevant in this technique. So are contractions and breathing. The only thing I would suggest is body positioning. I found that by opening up my legs and bringing one knee pretty far up towards my chest, I was able to intensify the feelings without consciously performing any contractions or direct stimulation. Actually, what seemed to be happening was an “auto-reverse-kegel” feeling. The more I ignored it, the better it got! I eventually reached a point where I just had to perform “regular” kegels and a good number of them (about 60) per HIH recommendations for prostate health. (As most guys know, you can’t massage the prostate for too long without feeling something! And you just can’t ignore it at that point!) Touche’!


Source: https://www.aneros.com/blogs/a-new-cup-a-new-technique/