“Gentle Chastity”

Can male chastity come in different “flavors”? Like “intense” and “gentle”? An intriguing concept. My answer is a resounding “Yes!” Let me explain……..

It all started last night. I am soon to be in Day 11 of SR and feeling horny. I started some cuddling with my wife. And much to my surprise, she began to cuddle back! Ever so gently, she came up to me from behind and began caressing my stomach and worked her way down very slowly toward my soon-to-be-erect package. I still had my briefs on under my PJs. Before I knew it, she was very gently caressing the glans of my cock in slow, circling fashion. I began to lightly moan from the pleasure. It seemed to last at least 10 minutes. I honestly thought she was going to make me cum; I had no choice. But then, somehow, she seemed to sense that I was still in chastity (I don’t like to cum when in SR) and she slowly and deliberately disengaged her hands from my groin and let me cool-down. It worked!

It was time for bed and I changed into my night-time chastity “cup”, the SD Pro Ultra Carbon. I put it on and went to sleep. Waking up about 5 hours later, I got the sense that it was time for a more “gentle” chastity cup, so I switched to my Mueller cup and jockstrap. This pairing is the gentlest of all the cups and the jock is not too tight nor too restrictive. I can “grow” under the cup and it will allow sufficient room for expansion. I rested for a while in this “gentle” male chastity device……but then something else happened!

My “chastity mistress” knows that men in chastity need their prostates stimulated, so before I know it, I have a massager (HIH 950) inserted and it is very gentle. I quickly learn to relax. After about 30 minutes or so, I remember to perform 30 or so contractions as recommended by HIH for good prostate health. This time, however, I did very strong contractions and held each one about 5-10 seconds. I am really feeling it in my prostate. Very nice but very gentle.

When the prostate stim “session” was over (about an hour I believe), I find myself being anally teased with my Mangasm anal beads, this time using Boy Butter as lube. I relax as each bead finds its way home. They stayed there only for a short while, but enough for me to feel it deep inside. When they came out, I find that I am gently relaxing in my chastity cup once again. I don’t have a strong desire to cum any more. Perhaps the gentle prostate stim helped.

One last item on this “gentle” tour—I was instructed by my chastity “mistress” to put-on the CB-6000S chastity cage and then the Mueller chastity cup. It was a perfect fit and a “gentle” reminder that male chastity can indeed be pleasing and tender. This is an ideal way to lengthen the SR duration while being forced to refrain from masturbation.


Source: https://www.aneros.com/blogs/gentle-chastity/