A “Classic” Session With A Twist (True BPH Relief!)

I would call this a “classic” Aneros session with a twist. Here’s why……

I awoke while sleeping in my SD Pro Ultra Carbon “chastity cup” highly aroused. I do find it hard to empty my bladder with a full erection (or otherwise for that matter), but I tried beforehand as best I could. Then, I lubed-up the 950 and proceeded with this session. Right from the start, I began where I left-off at the end of the last session: I began lightly thrusting my hips while deep-breathing and almost immediately began feeling the intense pleasure waves from my prostate. I continued this for perhaps 10-15 minutes when I fell-into a fantasy. I am in my urologist’s office in a private room and I am being prepared for a prostate exam, including an evaluation for BPH relief. The prostate needs to be aroused to demonstrate this and so I am lying there with a prostate massager inserted. It feels so f*****g good! When the time was up (about 30 minutes), I was told to leave the massager alone and go into the nearby bathroom and “try” to empty my bladder. My goodness! I stood over the toilet and completely emptied my bladder! Are you wondering about the effect of prostate massage on BPH? Of course there is a connection; I just demonstrated it! Then, when my bladder was empty, I reached back and carefully removed the massager, as I was told beforehand to do. PS I noticed a nice “wet spot” on the “chastity cup”!

PS About a half-hour later and I still don’t have to “empty” a second time! That is very unusual for me!

PS Now a full hour later and (guess what?) no additional emptying yet! Also, things have really settled-down in my prostate. It feels very “calm” in there!


Source: https://www.aneros.com/blogs/a-classic-session-with-a-twist-bph-relief/