1 comment

  1. It really depends on your position and how relaxed you are. I know a lot of guides have you on your back, but I have had way better luck with my side. I lay on my side, bend my knees and legs at my hips, and arch my back just a tad, like I’m doing doggy style on my side.

    Then the best bet is to relax. Lots of people talk about contracting, and that may work for some people, but I found that contracting isn’t that great for me. My body does it naturally anyways, so I don’t worry about that. I just relax. Like I’m releasing the piss muscles (try to pee beforehand). And then I just breathe in from my stomach and relax. And breathe out from the stomach. And relax. And just think sexy thoughts, or focus on what I’m feeling.

    It’s taken me months to get to the position I’m in now, where I can can pwaves almost immediately after insertion. I can’t say diffinitively if I’ve had a super o, but if I haven’t then I shudder to think what it will be like. I never had “dud” sessions.

    Oh! Also give yourself time. I usually give myself at least an hour. If I’m really lucky, and the wife and kids are out, I’ve gone for 3 hours before. That was amazing.

    As for how it feels, it’s like a pressure, as well as a tingling. I can feel it in my spine, sometimes my stomach, sometimes my neck, my legs, my arms…for sure in my butt. Pretty much all over. It’s like there is a growing hot ball that’s pushing… Something inside. It’s hard to fully explain, but hopefully this helps!

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