“Little Gun, Big Gun”

A great 1-2 punch! I’ll call it “Little Gun, Big Gun”. Here are the details…..

I am currently in Day 8 of SR and feeling quite aroused and horny. I am again wearing a jock “chastity cup” at night and this really helps with my arousal. I awoke about 3 AM and feeling ready for a session. I decided on the diminutive HIH 950. It proved anything but “little”….

“Little Gun”
The HIH 950 would, on first glance, not appear to be a powerful prostate massager. But this morning, it proved to be quite a contender. One thing I like about the 950 is that it is very slender (almost like the Eupho). Once inserted, anal contractions can cause it to go almost anywhere against the prostate and it did so this morning. I could not believe how many different sensations I was getting from it. Moaning all the time, I began to develop almost automatic anal contractions, some slowly, but some rapidly. It was as if my prostate was “steering” the 950 exactly where it wanted it to go. Intriguing! I moved around from position to position. And with each new position, I felt a new wave of pleasure and new ways for the 950 to make contact with my prostate. Not Super-O pleasure, but nevertheless, P-waves galore! I couldn’t ask any more of the HIH 950 in this 40-minute session. Yes, it’s a small “gun” but its small size belies its ability to arouse a healthy male prostate to orgasm. I did release a little bit of precum.


I went to lie down and listen to a nice, relaxing, erotic track that puts me in a good mood. During this time (about an hour later), I had to use the restroom and therefore felt quite ready physically and mentally for another session. I decided on the SGX’s “big brother”, the MGX.


“Big Gun”
The MGX is definitely designed for action. The ribbed stem is designed to engage the anal canal at all times, thus providing an additional level of erotic stimulation to the male anatomy. It, combined with the MGX’s far-reaching prostate-stimulating “finger-like” design is a formidable “weapon” to coax-out a powerful prostate orgasm. As soon as I inserted it, it took just a little while to settle-in. But when it did, I felt its effects immediately. Anal stimulation when combined with prostate stimulation is almost too much for a healthy male to endure for long. The combined sexual stimulation will drive him mercilessly to the point of ejaculation. [Remember guys the feeling of wanking with one hand and a finger in the ass at the same time? Almost like a Super-T!] I felt it too. I achieved an erection almost immediately. That was followed by several rounds of precum. I don’t usually produce that much, but this session was different. I honestly felt “on-the edge” of something big (a Super-O? a HFWO?) But having released so much fluid already, I felt that my prostate was drained enough in this amazing session and decided to end it after about 20 minutes. My prostate now feels quite worked-over but I feel very satisfied. I should be keeping the “blue-balls” at bay!


Once again, I have learned that the best way to have an amazing Aneros session is to be aroused. Not just with an erection, but with my whole body. It is hard to describe but when the mind is “aroused” as much as the body, a great Aneros session is sure to follow.

PS I have noticed recently with all the sessions I have been having, my urinations have been much more complete. Perhaps the prostate stim is helping with BPH symptoms. A great reason to stimulate the prostate!

PS I want to wish all my Aneros “buddies” a very healthy, happy and satisfying New Year!


Source: https://www.aneros.com/blogs/little-gun-big-gun/