“Two Dry-Os Calmed Me Down”

I was awake about 2 AM and felt like I needed a session with the HIH 950. I am currently in Day 8 of SR and feel no “blue-balls” yet. I have been “experimenting” with long “sessions” — to the point of sleeping with a prostate massager. I lubed-up the 950, put a waterproof paper pad on the bed, took off my PJ bottoms and went to lie-down. About a half-hour later, I decided to end this part of the session. Still feeling rather horny and close to masturbating, I decided to put on my SD Ultra Pro Carbon “chastity cup” and went back to bed.


About 2 hours later, I awoke and had to visit the lavatory. When I finished, I just knew that the time was right for the second part of the session, this time with the more-aggressive MGX. I felt ready for the anal company! One nice feature about using Boy Butter as a lube is that my anal canal remained nicely pre-lubed and that made insertion of the MGX extremely easy. In it went, and I was away! Wearing my “chastity cup”, I again went to lie-down.

Well, it wasn’t too long before some kegels and reverse-kegels started to ramp-up my arousal and I felt it immediately. I began to squirm and shake on the bed, something I had not done in quite a few “mild” sessions. I was lightly moaning and remember letting go a few expletives in the process. So I could tell that this session with the MGX “meant business”!

I was right —- before too long, I started to tense-up not once, but twice, and then I immediately felt a very “calming” sense that the orgasms were over. I just knew it. Yes, I did feel some fluid pump-out and sure enough, when I examined the cup pouch, it had a nice wet spot right in the middle!

Even though I still had the MGX inside me, the Dry-Os were over. It almost felt like a “refractory period”* but I did not ejaculate. Nevertheless, I felt a great calmness (body and mind) following this 45-minute session.

*Note: Know that the Dry-O (and Super-O) is not associated with a refractory period as with a traditional ejaculatory orgasm.


I am undecided about which Trident model to buy: the Helix or the Eupho. I have had both classic models a couple years ago and am leaning towards the Helix. I like the full-pressure feeling of the MGX and I believe the Helix Trident will blow me away! I will wait probably another week or so before I decide.


Source: https://www.aneros.com/blogs/two-dry-os-calmed-me-down/