Near-Perfect Erotic Prostate “Finger Massage”

OMG! What a session! Here are the details…..

Background: I am only in Day 2 of SR and didn’t really expect anything from a session. I didn’t wear a “cup” to bed but awoke about 2 AM with an erection and found myself fondling my package. So I needed to get-into a “cup” ASAP! I selected my XO ProCup, put it on and went back to bed. Couldn’t sleep so after about 45 minutes or so, I decided to go to my comfortable couch and listen to some relaxing tracks (no binaural beats). I did so for about an hour and decided to go back to bed. I wasn’t feeling especially aroused but wanted to do a relaxing “do-nothing” session with the HIH 950 (my smallest massager). I could not possibly have predicted what would happen next…..


I lubed-up and was amazed how quickly and deeply it went in. I rolled-over and just started to relax. After a while, I felt a few spontaneous contractions (auto-f***) and added a few mild ones of my own. But in a short while, I got a sense that my prostate was being “fingered”! Make no mistake: the 950 felt EXACTLY like a finger edging my prostate and it was almost the most perfect prostate massage I have ever received. I have not had the pleasure of a manual prostate massage but, honestly, this was the real deal! For the next 30 minutes or so, I was caught-up in such erotic pleasure that I counted no fewer than EIGHT dry-O’s (maybe more?) and I squirmed, shaked, moaned and was in prostatic ecstasy the entire time—-so much so that, as exhilarating as it felt, I honestly could not take any more. Was I headed for a Super-O? I don’t think so, not with the 950. But this “pleasure finger” defied description. Yes, it felt like a human “finger” massaging my prostate the way I have always read: gently stroke the prostate with a “come-hither” motion. That is EXACTLY what this felt like! No soreness, no uncomfortableness. Just the most intensely erotic, sexual stimulation of my prostate imaginable! And that is the honest, f*****g truth! If I could duplicate this session, I would in a heartbeat! It was that perfect!

PS I remember that my penis was up and down this entire session. I also felt a fluid pumping action several times*. But I didn’t expel too much precum.

* Note (from “The Prostate Massage Manual” by Ronald M Bazar available online):

“This is an important piece of information—if you have a
prostate condition, you can do the massage but find that no
prostate milk comes out.

This is normal especially if you have an enlarged prostate. So do
not be worried! You are still increasing the blood flow. You are
still moving stagnant fluids and some fluid will move out later on
as it works its way out and becomes part of your urine flow.
Often, after the massage, you will excrete some fluid.”

Note: Following this session, my prostate feels “well-massaged and exercised”. I guess it should.

