“The Chastity/Arousal Continuum”

I didn’t know what else to call this but let me try to explain it……

Since I sleep in a “chastity cup” almost every night now, I find that when I don’t, it can become very arousing and erotic. For example, I went to bed last night without my cup on and, sure enough, when I awoke (due to a night-time erection) I “caught” myself coddling my balls and stroking my cock. I seem to do this lately without much forethought.

Today, I was curled-up on a sofa watching a movie and (sure enough) I became aroused when again I started caressing my firm balls and shaft through my trousers. Almost like an automatic response. What is going on here?


I started to think about it and it now it seems to me to make perfect sense. There is a connection, a link if you will, between male chastity and arousal; for want of a better term I’ll label it the “chastity/arousal continuum”. What do I mean by this?


Let me look at the definitions of chastity and arousal; hence:

The condition or quality of being chaste, especially the condition of not having had sexual intercourse or of abstaining from sexual relations.

In sexual arousal the nerve impulse release sex hormones and dilate arteries in the genital areas.


So while in male chastity (my “chastity cup”) absolutely no sexual arousal can occur through stimulation of the male genitals. (Night-time erections/arousal excluded). When out of chastity, arousal is not only possible, but is encouraged and magnified due to the reduction in available time of arousal. Therefore, the “chastity/arousal continuum”.


So, there we have it. Maximum chastity = maximum sexual arousal when removed from chastity. Minimum chastity = minimum sexual arousal.


It makes sense, then, that for guys who are locked-up in a chastity cage permanently would experience extreme (maximum) sexual arousal when temporarily removed from chastity by their keyholders. (Just look at the videos!)

Guys who have no interest or do not practice chastity will experience “normal” (minimum) sexual arousal.

Guys like me who experience limited “self-imposed” chastity will have an increase in their sexual arousal cycle, dependent on their time in chastity. That seems to fit my experiences perfectly!



Source: https://www.aneros.com/blogs/the-chastityarousal-continuum/