Crazy Heat Beat

Okay, so this just happened and I would really appreciate some advice. This past session was way different than all my other sessions up to this point. Maybe you guys can help me figure this out. I haven’t ejaculated in 9 days. I’m trying to see if I can make it to 21 days.

I decided to use the Eupho Classic today, because I felt like I was in the right mood for more subtle sensations than I get with the other models. My philosophy for today was to relax my butt muscles completely and let my body take me wherever it wanted. I told myself that as long as I relax, my body will take me where to orgasm all on its own.No need to strain, no need to give in to the aching urge to contract. My body will do whatever’s best. I felt the ebb and flow of pleasure; dry-os would build, take me to the edge of super orgasm and then fade. Build up again and fade. This happened several times. All that time I didn’t give in to contractions and I kept my butt totally relaxed. Throughout I felt extremely powerful p-waves. My whole body was very tingly and warm. It seemed like relaxing my butt helped me to relax my body and mind. Roughly 45 minutes in I began to feel my heart-beat all over my body. It started to beat harder. I swear I could almost hear it. It wasn’t beating particularly fast, but it felt like it was pumping very strongly. My heart rate got stronger and faster and my Eupho started to dance on its own which brought my to the edge of orgasm.

Here’s what was particularly weird about it. The entire time my heart was beating like crazy I felt like I was right at the edge of a crazy super-o, but I never quite felt like I had one. And it felt that way for an entire 20 minutes which was totally nuts (If it only lasted a minute or two I wouldn’t have made this post.). I never got that sudden rush of pleasure that I tend to associate with super-os.. It wasn’t until the tail end of this “edge-riding” that I realized that maybe I was actually having a super-o the entire time but didn’t realize it. I think that maybe all the thumping of my heart distracted me from really being able to enjoy what was happening. Or perhaps I I just didn’t quite reach it. I’m not sure how to feel about this. I tried my best to relax, and I don’t think I actually felt scared, though I did have to reassure myself that this was normal and that nothing bad could happen. Since it went on for so long, I was thinking that this should have made me cum by now, which definitely hampered my enjoyment.

Additionally, in that span of time where my heart was beating hard I couldn’t really feel the Eupho touching my prostate. Normally when I have a super-o or get close my prostate is throbbing and buzzing like crazy, but this time it hardly felt like that at all. I could barely feel the Eupho. It didn’t feel right to me. Could it be that the sensations from the Eupho are very subtle too subtle for me to fully appreciate right now?

I would love to hear what you guys think, because I have no clue how to digest this. It was really weird.



  1. If you have to ask, you more than likely didn’t Super O. FWIW, maybe the Eupho isn’t for you, since you can’t feel it touching your prostate. I find the Euphho to be far from subtle. I actually find it to be too aggressive. You could also be screwing up your sessions with the no ejaculation challenge.

  2. Sounds great to me. Eupho is my favorite. I think this is an aberration. During the rewiring process I had some weird stuff happen, i can’t remember the details it’s been a while. I would not worry about it and see where the next session takes you!

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