“A Funny Thing Happened While Practicing Semen Retention”

I slept in my XO “chastity cup” and felt very unfulfilled sexually overnight. I am thinking about an ejaculation again. A night-time erection woke me up quite early. I realized that I am now approaching Day 7 of SR and that will mean a peak in my testosterone level. I looked online for some benefits of this testosterone “boost” and came up with a significant list. Here are some examples of the benefits of increased testosterone….

Testosterone Boost
“Testosterone maintains male fertility, libido, mental and physical energy levels, muscle strength, general well being and prevents depression and fatigue.”

It seems to me that all of these things are desirable. I achieve all of these by regularly practicing semen retention (SR) and it is notable that testosterone level “peaks” to about 45% above “normal” at SR Day 7! (This has been verified by a scientific Chinese study).

Attention from Females
It is also said that men practicing semen retention will have more attraction from females. But I never understood why. I think I know now. A quick online search revealed the following….

“Women at their peak fertility prefer the smell of men oozing with testosterone, a new study finds.”

Wow! Now I know the reason that when I practice SR, I seem to get more “attention” from some women!

Increase in Male Libido
On top of all of the benefits of semen retention, there is one that stands-out above all the others: increase in male libido. I looked-up the definition of “libido”:

“Libido (/lɪˈbiːdoʊ/), colloquially known as sex drive, is a person’s overall sexual drive or desire for sexual activity.”

Yes, I feel this sex drive very strongly now at Day 7. It is no coincidence. I have a strong desire for sex in any form: intercourse, mutual “petting”, and yes, even masturbation! I have a stronger desire for an ejaculation. I want to massage my prostate for the sexual pleasures I can reap. I am awakened at night by strong, near-PONR erections and feel very sexually frustrated when I am restricted by wearing a “chastity cup”. I want to touch and massage my firm masculine “package”, even if it means achieving an ejaculation. I like being sexually aroused.

So, there you have it! Why do I continue to practice semen retention? Is it any wonder? I think I already know the answer!


Source: https://www.aneros.com/blogs/a-funny-thing-happened-while-practicing-semen-retention/