“Just Delay A Session!”

I wore my Mueller “chastity cup” to bed last night and I am now going into Day 8 of semen retention. I know what that means…..my testosterone-level is peaking and I certainly feel it! I feel sexy, turn-on, and ready to ejaculate! I was awakened several times early this morning with an incredibly strong erection within the cup. I was so-close to the PONR: I began lightly “thrusting” and pivoting inside the cup, yes, hoping for an ejaculation that was not to come. Oh how I wanted it! So close but No Cigar! But it was fun trying!

I contemplated an Aneros session while in this state. Which model to choose? A: HIH 950? B: MGX? C: Eupho Classic? D: Or none of the above? I selected “D”. And here’s why….

As aroused as I was, why did I not choose to perform an Aneros session? Oh, it would have felt so good, so arousing. It probably would have produced a good amount of precum too. But just as male “chastity” prevents me from masturbating and ejaculating, my sheer “willpower” alone prevented me from initiating my Aneros session. With chastity, there is always a hard “cup” blocking access to my cock. But with Aneros, there is no equivalent “shield” blocking access to my r****m! It is only by sheer willpower that I say “NO!” to a session!


By affirming the negative response to an Aneros session, just as by saying “NO!” to an ejaculation (even at Day 8 of SR) am I stimulating my prostate even more for that eventual session and orgasm? Am I “teasing” my prostate? Perhaps, but what if I am? I “tease” my cock sometimes through surfing, edging and scrotal/perineal pleasure. If prostate arousal is the name-of-the-game, then should I “tease” it more often by delaying or withholding a prostate massage session? Intriguing……

PS I have said in a previous blog post: “Men like me get our sexual pleasure from (of all things) denial of sexual pleasure.” It then seems to me that this “denial” of (prostate) sexual pleasure is in consonance with my practice of male chastity! Perhaps my Aneros sessions will now be more infrequent? Touche’.


Source: https://www.aneros.com/blogs/just-delay-a-session/