First Session

I got a chance to try out my Helix Trident. Here are some of my thoughts from this first experience.

My first impression upon unboxing my Helix Trident was that it was a LOT smaller than I was expecting. I bought the Helix because it was described as having a “Larger head size for more direct pressure on the prostate.” I was expecting something, well, larger. I guess I had no real frame of reference. I admit to being skeptical that I’d really feel much of anything from something so seemingly diminutive. It’s certainly the smallest thing that I’ve inserted in my rear for pleasure other than my finger in a very long time.

I wasn’t sure which lube to use. I know that’s a common question and the answer varies greatly from person to person. For anal sex and for other toys, I really like the water-based variety of Boy Butter. It is a cream or lotion consistency, which I find makes application much easier. It dissolves easily in water, so cleanup is not a problem, but it also doesn’t dissipate, evaporate, or absorb into my skin as quickly as other lubes I have used. However, it also isn’t quite as slick as liquid lubes I’ve used. I find this is a good thing for other anal toys and for anal sex, where some amount of friction (the “right” amount) is actually desirable, but perhaps not for the Aneros, where free mobility is key. So I opted for Shibari silicone lube, which I prefer for my Fleshlight. It’s slicker and runnier than the Boy Butter and is probably a better fit for use with the Aneros. I may in the future try some of both, by first pre-lubing my rectum with Shibari and coating the Aneros with the Boy Butter, just for grins.

Since I am on vacation with my husband and, admittedly, a bit shy about using it, I was a bit sneaky about it. I went into the bathroom at about 5am. I voided my bowels, gave myself a quick enema, and then pre-injected some lube. Probably more than I needed, but I didn’t want lack of lubrication to get in the way. I also put a glans cover on my penis (ThinkMax 2pcs/Set Man Exercise Penis… to catch leakage if there was any. This turned out to be a good choice.

Finally, I slicked the Helix with a little more lube and pressed the head against my anus. Insertion was easy. As I said, this thing is small relative to my expectations, and I have experience with larger toys, not to mention penises. Penises, though, have a lot of give to them and flesh-on-lubed-flesh is a much different feeling than plastic-on-flesh. Still, it slid in easy-peasy. The k- and p-tabs nestled in against my skin comfortably.

I put my shorts back on and went back to bed. I laid there on my back with my eyes closed, just breathing and trying to relax and observe. I focused my attention on my breath, breathing slowly and deeply from my diaphragm as if trying to relax for sleep. I tried to quiet my mind and keep my thoughts focused on the sensations I was experiencing.

At first I didn’t feel much. I had expected to feel firm pressure against my prostate. I did not. I could feel that I had something lodged in my rear, but not a particularly large something, so I didn’t feel the stretching or fullness one would expect from a larger toy. But I was prepared for reality to differ from my expectations after all the reading I’ve done on the wiki and forums. I knew there was a possibility that I wouldn’t feel much at all in this session, or maybe even for many sessions to come.

However, about five minutes in, I did feel something. I suddenly started to feel a throbbing around my prostate, and then a sensation of warmth spread outward and up my body, carrying with it a light feeling of euphoria. My eyes were closed, but I seemed to see light dancing through my eyelids. This rush of feeling quickly subsided, but it felt good. I guess this might have been a mini-o.

I went back to feeling mostly nothing for another five minutes or so. I experimented with constricting my anus a bit to see if it changed anything. It did move the Aneros but doing so with conscious intent that way didn’t really create any immediate pleasure, so I went back to breathing deeply and focusing on being relaxed.

Eventually I began to feel more throbbing near my prostate in time with my heart beat. I felt some precum leak from my penis. The pulsing lasted maybe 20 seconds before subsiding again. I continued my intentional relaxation of my body. I periodically felt that throbbing for brief periods of time. I eventually discovered that they were more likely to occur if I could relax my anal sphincter more. I have reasonable control of those muscles, or thought I did, due to experience with anal sex and other toys. But the Aneros is a much more subtle device and requires more finely-tuned control than I currently have.

I spent the next hour or so focusing on regaining that throbbing in my prostate repeatedly. I tried a few other positions, like lying on my side. When my husband eventually got up to use the bathroom I took the opportunity to tuck up my knees while lying on my back. The different positions seemed to vary how much pressure I felt under the tabs, but I didn’t notice much difference otherwise. I found laying on my back allowed me to focus more easily on breathing deeply, which helped me relax my rear.

For a while I practiced really slow kegels timed with my breath. I would slowly tighten my anus and PC muscles as I inhaled and then, just as slowly, relax them again as I exhaled. That allowed me to begin to feel a little bit of the actual motion of the head of the Aneros. Not strongly, but I suspect my sensitivity to such sensations will grow over time as neural mapping proceeds. It felt good to be able to sense that, but the sensations were subtle and not particularly strong.

A little over an hour in, my husband finally got up and decided to shower, which was a sign that my session was nearing its end. I would soon need to get up and shower and dress also so that we could go get breakfast. I hadn’t had more than that one maybe-mini-o very near the beginning of the session, but I still had enjoyed the exploration and experimentation, and it was, after all, my first session, so I was not at all disappointed.

I rolled over on to my stomach and then got on all fours for a little bit to see how that felt. Of all the positions I had tried, that one put the most pressure on the p-tab. But I didn’t stay that way for long. I stretched out on my belly with my feet spread pretty widely apart and just relaxes again. I intended to just wait out my husband’s shower that way, perhaps getting a few more rounds of the quiet prostate throbbing I had been experiencing.

Sure enough, I did start to feel that throbbing again. It happened a few times, eventually dissipating after each. But then it happened again and did NOT just dissipate. This time it suddenly felt like there was a large seed of heat inside my prostate. That’s the visualization that came to mind as it was happening. I wasn’t sure what it meant, but it felt good. It began to grow larger and warmer and then spread throughout my body. It was similar to the sensation I felt near the beginning of the session, but a little stronger and it lasted longer.

The pleasure wave began to subside, but before it was completely gone, that seed reappeared within my prostate. This time I focused my full attention on that feeling and on remaining relaxed and not reacting directly to it. It swelled and spread again, stronger than before, hotter. I felt my face flush and my lips curl into a smile. I saw lights and colors despite having my eyes closed. It felt great!

I hoped that the cycle would repeat again and perhaps build into something more, maybe even a prolonged phase of repeated orgasms, but it gradually faded away, leaving me feeling at peace and relaxed. It was just as well, because my time was soon up and it would have been a shame to have a super-O interrupted by my husband coming out of the bathroom.

I finished the session in the shower. I undressed and removed the glans cover I’d been wearing. It was quite full of precum. I’d have had quite a soggy spot on my shorts without it.

While standing in the shower I found that flexing my PC muscles created a more definite sense of pressure sliding against my prostate. It didn’t lead to any more orgasmic sensations, but it still felt better than nothing.

The last thing I did before removing the Aneros and finishing my shower was stroke my cock until I was close to a traditional orgasm. Then I backed off, experimenting with the sensations generated by the Aneros near the point of ejaculation. Prostate fluid began to leak from my tip making me wonder if I’d actually gone too far and had a fizzle of an orgasm. But I resumed stroking and was able to quickly ramp myself back up close to the point of no return with the same result: more fluid milked from my prostate by the Aneros. I did that one more time and then called it quits without going all the way, preferring to reserve that sexual energy to share with my husband later.

I have to say that this first session was not really what I expected. The sensations I felt were much more nuanced than the traditional ejaculatory orgasms I’m used to. But it was by no means a disappointment. In fact, I’m quite pleased. Maybe this little hunk of plastic will live up to all the hype after all. I am much less skeptical now that I’ve tried it. I know it may require a lot of patience, time, and dedication to reach Super-O paradise, but I’m very encouraged by my first session. I still, hours later, feel elevated by the experience. I hope my next session is at least as rewarding as this one was!

Thanks for reading!
