“Semen Retention—What’s A Good Number For You?”

I consider male chastity and semen retention in the same way. There are some differences, but the reality is that my ejaculations are limited. Depending on when my last one was, I could be looking at only a few days (e.g., 3) or quite a few (e.g., 30). In-between there are many more “numbers”. Each number has a feeling associated with it.

My current number is “2” — quite low on the totem, so-to-speak. But I still awoke early this AM with a powerful NPT erection, so much so that I had to put-on my Safe-T-Gard Cage Cup for temptation relief.


A “Different” Masturbation Technique
Yesterday, I was at Day 6 and decided that I wanted an ejaculation. Nothing special about that. But my technique was quite different. Let me explain…..With no lube, I started to stroke lengthwise my cock but I was very careful to stay well-clear of the frenulum. I began caressing my balls at the same time. I did this for perhaps 5-10 minutes. I began to feel an “almost-there” sensation and if I squeezed my PC muscles hard, I could diminish the feeling and stop the impending ejaculation. Every once in a while, I touched my frenulum and—OMG!—that one touch sent an electric shock right down to my EJ “center” and I seemed to be closer than ever to the PONR. Eventually, even stroking only down and up on the shaft was too much for my resistance and I did EJ. Interestingly, I did not seem to suffer with much of a refractory period using this technique (almost like a ruined orgasm).


Today, at Day 2, I am back “in-the-saddle” so to speak. So my male chastity “play” goes on—what is my next number?

PS A quick web-search (from Quora) revealed this tidbit—

“Humans have a built in desire to reproduce and pass on our genetics. If you satisfy this need by masturbating, then the body and the brain believe that you’re doing well in life. The brain does not know the difference between real sex and masturbation. This means that men everywhere are tricking their brains into thinking that they’re a hit with women. By refraining from masturbation, your brain panics. It starts to believe that you’re useless with women, this is where the extra benefits come from. The body decides to improve you in every way possible in order to attract women. The brain is programmed to pass on genetics, if it can’t do that, then it’ll do whatever it can to encourage mating. This includes making you look better, giving you more motivation to go out and make more money/approach women, provide you with confidence and give you a deeper voice.”

Need some examples? Here is a list of benefits of semen retention (from Quora):

“More energy

Less depressed

More confidence


Less anxiety

Increased social skills

Highly motivated to succeed

Highly motivated to do more

Highly motivated to approach real women

Increased fat loss

Increased muscle growth

Improved workouts

Improved sporting performance

Deeper voice

Improved skin

Thicker hair

Increased hair growth (Facial, body and hair)

Less sleep required

Brighter eyes

Clearer skin

Improved body language

More alpha male behaviours

Increased attention from women

More respect from men

Improved memory

Removal of brain fog


A cure to hair loss

Better sex

Thicker/longer penis


Aloof attitude

High sex drive

Controlled aggression

Feelings of power

Improved relationships

Improved immunity

Increased stamina”



Source: https://www.aneros.com/blogs/semen-retention-whats-a-good-number-for-you/