My Sexual Trinity

There are so many aspects to rewiring I don’t know if I can cover them all or provide adequate description of them all. It would be like trying to describe life itself or the meaning of sex. But at three years into this journey, aside from the mental changes and the changes in my sexual outlook, the most significant impact of rewiring on me was my experience of the sensation of sexual pleasure.

By the time I hit my third year of Aneros practice I had been experiencing orgasm and serious sexual pleasure for 30+ years. For me the focus of that pleasure was my cockhead and the first 3 inches of my cock behind my cockhead. Masturbation was a race to the ejaculatory “finish line” and the ceremonious spewing of a rope of semen.

As I described in the previous entry, the rewired me experienced sex in an entirely new way. The two most significant changes in my experience of sexual pleasure were: (1) the slowing down of my sensory systems and the shift in my perception of those sensory systems. The outside world gets shut out; all I can feel or sense is the pleasure inside my body. Everything outside my body ceases to exist, I feel totally isolated and contained inside my skin. As reality fades from my awareness I am transported inside my mind to a state of perfect happiness in a hazy soft idyllic place and (2) my physical experience of sexual sensation expands. No longer is my penis the nexus of my sensations, they are felt across the landscape of my body with particular expression in my cock root and cock slit, my nipples and my anal canal.

The magical transformation in me was unlocked by rewiring; rewiring delivered mental and physical euphoria to me that I never imagined possible. It is no surprise that the focal points for my sensation of sexual ecstasy were also the keys to unlock the lock that revealed this nirvana like sexual pleasure for me. The keys were: having someone suckle my nipples, stimulating my prostate and the tender subtle caressing of my sulcul cleft. This was my sexual trinity.

My experience of “revelation” happened with my wife at the end of my third year of Aneros. As I described in an earlier entry, my wife was involved more and more in my sessions in those first few years. She really enjoyed the power that she held over my experience of pleasure. For me with the revelation of the “passive – feminine” side of my sexuality in rewiring I abandoned my traditional role of provocateur – initiator of sex to passive recipient of pleasure. This was (at that time in my life) very hard to do.

By the end of the third year of sessions she was as adept as I was in understanding prostate induced pleasure and the eroticism of my mind and body. The particular session was on a weekend after I had been A lessing every night for a week. To say I was primed would have been an understatement.

With candles burning around our bed and with all the blankets removed so that the bed resembled a stage for our lusty performance we both got naked. I lay on my back and she sat next to me with her back against some pillows resting against the head board.

It is worth noting that this setting represents the setting of my wife’s favorite fantasy. In that fantasy we are in a bed that is made up just as the very one we are on. Around the bed are a dozen naked men and women sitting on chairs; they are ten feet back from us. They are all watching us and masturbating as we perform oral sex on each other and ultimately make love.

I wrote this fantasy out in a long detailed narrative using her basic description as a starting point. The story I wrote was replete with detailed descriptions of things I know turn her on. It was a very long very juicy fantasy tailored to her taste in erotica. So as I lay on my back next to her she read her fantasy written out by me back to me. The impact of hearing words written by me, inspired by her being read by her was a surreal experience. In very real terms it was a shared expression of our erotic inclinations. Writing erotica for me is very arousing. Having my wife read my erotica back to me was beyonds arousing.

As she read the steamy passages my penis began to erect; it6s transformation did not go un noticed by her. She stopped reading and made a comment to me. The comment she made at that moment has stuck with me until this day. “I feel like a snake charmer “, and she chuckled. Nonetheless after the brief laughter the moment resumed its eroticism.

I am a closeted exhibitionist. Laying there nude displaying my cock and having her attention to my thoughts erecting it only served to strengthen my erection. I was fully lengthened, gently arched and hard as iron. A small dribble of precum hung from my cock slit.

I suspected that she was just as wet and turned on as I was, after all this was her fantasy. Before the end of the story she pout the papers that she was reading from down and bent over to kiss the tip of my wetted cockhead tenderly. Her lips were wet with my precum. Abandoning my aching penis she broght her precum wetted lips to mine and kissed me, sharing my sap with me.

The impact of her kiss was immediate. My precum began to flow profusely, another result of rewiring. She did not kiss me long as she knew my body. With her middle finger she gathered my clear emission on the tip of her finger and brought it to my nipple, to spread it as if she was icing a rigid flesh cupcake. Once iced she returned her lips to my nipple and suckled me gathering my precum on her tongue. Suddenly my world fell into slow motion. Reality faded away; it was replaced by a warm sense of arousing calm. The thoughtful part of my mind switched of and the sensing part of it activated. My male sex drive faded and a new quiet, passive sensuality replaced it. I succumbed to her and she got into the role reversal of being in control of my pleasure.

By then my precum was running a stream. Feeling it with her finger she abandoned my nipple and brought her warm lips to my dribbling cock slit. She gathered the clear essence of my desire on her tongue and brought the gift of my passion on her tongue to my mouth. Our foreplay was well practiced I knew what was coming. Like a baby bird I opened my mouth and extended my tongue to take the sexual succor she was offering to feed me. I sucked my precum off her tongue hungrily. She repeated this luridly sensual process several more times before she returned to my nipple.

By the time she locked her lips onto my teat and stroked my rigid nub with her tongue, my prostate was erect and aching. My anus was tingling and throbbing, my perineum and cock root were pulsing in time with the surging desire that now consumed my cock and anus.

I was no longer thinking of doing anything sexual. My mind was a blue haze of surreal desire. All I wanted to do was lay there and feel the sweet ache of growing desire that was flowing into my anal canal I was frozen in swelling rapture. As she suckled my hardened nipple I guided her hand to my sulcus and quietly murmured to her to just squeeze it gently, keeping firm pressure. Keep sucking I said.

She held the crown on the top of my cockhead with her middle finger and put her thumb in the wetted cleft underneath. As she suckled my anguished male tit into the teasing torment of her tongue the rising swell of an A Less orgasm gathered deep in my anal canal. She could read my body language easily.

The orgasmic tension was winding in my anal canal like a steel spring. My cockslit was drooling all over her fingers and my cock root was starting to throb hard. The feeling of her pressing on my sulcus was like a blast furnace melting my will and exposing the desperation of my rising orgasm; I began to spew a narrative of the deep dark sexual fantasies that consume me when I am in MMO. My body was filling with excruciating ecstasy, there was no room for any other thoughts, sensations or feelings but the blistering agony of the ecstasy that was taking over my body.

Then like a great pounding engine under the floor of a huge building my anal canal and prostate began to pump and thump hard. The resulting sensation was like a euphoric flood. I was miles out to sea floating in blissful anguish. Laying there I was barely aware of anything except the elegant torture of lips on my nipple and the reflexive rhythmic contractions of my prostate and the tender pressure that was igniting my cock head and making my cock root pulse.

I lay there unthinking. It was all I could do to cope with the excruciating pleasure that held me firmly down as it ravished my anus and my cock. I did not have a clue how long it went on for. Later she told me it was a solid hour. She was nonplused; she had never seen me like that.

Three years in and I knew that this rewiring thing was a gift …. and it was revealed in the sexual trinity of cock, nipples and prostate.
