Erections before super-O?

So I’ve been using my massager for a while now, and I’ve been able to reach that magical super-O. Still, everything I read always says that you get a magical and amazing erection prior to that point, and it’s never really happened for me. Does anyone else have that same issue?

I’ve also heard that having a hard cock prior to play is the way to go.




  1. I went in flaccid, but when I started getting there, it got very hard on its own, with out me touching it. Then again, a lot of people seem to have different experiences, so your body might just be doing its own thing

  2. Soft, hard… hard, soft… soft during the PO’s but I’m older…

  3. Not usually for me. Then again Im getting pleasure from elsewhere so being flaccid is of no concern…
    Once super Os start I tend to forget I even have a dick lol…

  4. Have you ever used ED meds.I take half of a 20 gr tab and I get super hard and soft sometime during the [session.By](https://session.By) the way it is generic cialis $2 a pill.

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