First steps

Hi again. As said in my last post (“Trying to explore further”), I was preparing myself to have an aneros session, and so I did.

Before starting my session I had a long shower. I used that time to relax, clean myself (inside too, hehe) and stretch a little bit. I rarely finger myself as I can’t sense my prostate, but I really like the feeling I get, so I went on for a few minutes. I first inserted my middle finger, however, I knew I could take more and I slid my index finger too. It didn’t hurt. I massaged myself from the inside trying to enjoy the experience. Afterwards, I washed my hands and I was ready to start my session.

I put a couple of towels on my bed and lay on, face up, knees up, feet flat. As I was already relaxed, I decided to introduce my aneros helix trident. I lubed it and it went in quite easily. I would like to say that an incredible sensation started forming, etc. But no. Inserting the toy felt good, but that’s all (I’m quite new in this, don’t expect me telling that I had incredible orgasms, one day I will, but not for now).

Once the toy was inside me, I decided to follow the “do nothing” method, which means, breathe, relax and don’t expect anything to happen, just feel what you can. Nothing really happened for 10 minutes, so I decided to contract my PC muscles a little bit. This made the toy move and I started to feel something. The sensations weren’t awesome, but at least they existed… It went like that for another few minutes. I tried to stay relaxed and I had no expectations (this seems to be crucial). Some minutes later, my legs started shaking. I usually have this reaction, but, this time, I enjoyed it more, as I wasn’t concerned about feeling more.

I spent the next 30 minutes shaking, but the sensations didn’t increase, so, I decided to contain my spasms and see what happens. It really chandged something, as my body felt as if it went numb. It wasn’t an orgasm, but it felt nice, I was so relaxed I felt my bed had disappeared. This lasted for less than a minute, but it was worth feeling.

I continued some more minutes, but, as it was clear that it wasn’t going to be an “awakening” and my nipples felt quite well, I started to stimulate them. I think it was the right choice, my dick became rock hard and it started pouring the precum it had inside. While using the aneros it was in its flaccid state, but nipple play always makes my dick hard. As said in my last post, I have already had some nipple play that same day, so it was easy to bring the pleasure back. The thing is that it was more enjoyable, as my aneros was hitting my prostate everytime my dick contracted. Some minutes later, I felt how my cock was about to explode. Some strong contractions filled it with cum and I was having a pleasurable and unbearable sensation while I was about to cum. Another strong contraction triggered my orgasm and my dick bursted harder than before. Making use of the aneros had increased the amount of fluid I was going to ejaculate, which made the orgasm and the unbearable sensation last more than usual. Besides, my aneros was hitting my prostate with each contraction, which made the experience even better.

Once my orgasm ended and everything was out, I looked down to see one of the biggest ejaculations I have ever had. It seemed that not cumming in 4 days + the precum the aneros session took out of me was a huge combination of fluids. What really surprised me is that my legs started to shake again once the HFWO was over, my prostate felt really good and I spent some time enjoying it. The thing is that the shaking was becoming a little bit more intense and, as I didn’t want to create a mess with all my fluids, I decided to clean myself and end the session.

I am quite happy with the results I obtained. I was able to relax more and more and feel new sensations I had never had. It is true that I had to make use of my nipples to orgasm, but I don’t count that nipple play as a part of my aneros session. I mean, my aneros-focused session finished when I realised I couldn’t get more pleasure. Nevertheless, I have improved a little bit and I don’t want to use any other kind of stimulation during my sessions.

Today I am going to try to use another toy to play with my prostate. I know it will take me time till I get to discover prostate orgasms, but I don’t really care. My only aim is to relax and feel whatever happens. It might take me years, but as long as I have fun, it will be worth it.
