Posistion for best prostate contact?

I understand that all bodies are different and that everybody has their own preferences, but based on standard/typical/average/”normal” human anatomy, which body position should yield the best contact between the toy and the prostate? I usually lay on my back, but I feel like I’m losing connection with my prostate when things starts to get interesting.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/aneros/comments/ttc07k/posistion_for_best_prostate_contact/


  1. I believe it’s on your left side, right leg drawn up towards your chest. or some variation of that.

  2. from my personal experience, this prostate orgasm is more than just the prostate. it involves all your pelvic muscles, incl your anus, sphincter, eventually your heart your full body. so there is simply no best position. people will tell you their best position which may not be your best or may not even always be their own best position(which means the same position that worked best for them at one time doesn’t always work again). stop trying to focus on your prostate too much, open up your mind and heart, feel all that tiny sensations happening down there, open up your senses. that’s more important than keep thinking(distracting yourself from the pleasure, the moment) of a better position, or try too hard to focus on that familiar or imaginary prostatic sensation(also distract yourself from the little pleasures that count). surrender completely and immerse yourself fully in the present moment, without thought and distractions. then u will realise those tiny pleasures that were negligible before suddenly become so enjoyable, so pleasurable, and it’s just the beginning.

  3. I lay on my back. Be sure you’re keeping your sphincter muscles tight while flexing and releasing your PC muscles. Your sphincter muscles pull the toy more inside you but your PC muscles do the rocking motion.

  4. I feel the most contact when laying on my stomach. I rarely use this position though because I don’t find it comfortable.

  5. I prefer lay with belly up, legs straight.But I havent achieved super secret O yet.

    People often recomend crossing your legs, but im unsure.

  6. For me it’s kneeling and moving back and forth as I clench to pull it in. I still manually stimulate my cock but when I get close I stop and those motions give me the best sensations – I don’t leak pre but that makes me leak cum heavily without full orgasm

  7. Every answer here is different lol. Still trying to figure it out myself.

  8. As someone said, each person is different so none of these answers mean anything lol

    But for me, on my back and my legs bowed to each side. Relaxed. And as time goes on, my legs start tensing/shaking upwards, then I relax them back down to expedite the pleasure feelings. Then eventually the pleasure takes, as does my body, and I go from bow-leg position to whatever my body decides to do.

  9. I could give you a detailed description of what position does what for me. Instead of that useless piece of info, I’d love to give you an alternative perspective.

    Let’s assume the general consensus of position leads you towards one specific. For simplicity say: on your side. The outcome will be like this… You now build an internal expectation about that exact position based upon the users recommending it. Upon trying it, you might agree or not. But that’s not the point and nor should that be your approach.

    You’ll only find out what works for you via curiosity, excitement and experimenting. But if you take others advice, you’ll very likely miss that one position that nobody ever mentioned. And exactly that position would work wonders for you. Excuse my harshness, but that’s a very possible outcome.

    This concept can be applied to literally any physical or psychological question regarding the use of aneros. You simply don’t know, until you try and observe the results for yourself.

    Those typical questions are (imo):
    -whats the best toy
    -whats the best lube
    -whats best … kegel or not

    Again im very sorry but that’s exactly what holds most of you guys back. The unwillingness to explore your inner self. Instead you want a recipe. Position x, kegels with y% strength, etc etc. al that does is literally depraving yourself from excitement.

    If that’s not clear enough; ask yourself a question: did you ever have to ask someone the best position for jerking? My assumption would be “no”. You experimented and figured it all out by yourself.

  10. Nipple play…nipple play… nipple play… nobody mentions this ONE time, and it’s such a game changer..

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