You’ll read a lot of guides here aimed at mid-tier experienced users and most of them will gloss over a big step nonchalantly like “step 2. feel pleasure from your prostate, step 3. follow that pleasure like a ray of sunshine, across the rainbow, down to the pot of gold” etc.
But I remember the start of my aneros journey, and no matter what I tried I just couldn’t figure out how to feel pleasure by having this thing in.
Well, here’s my suggestion to any beginners at this stage of the process.
1. Jack off once a day for 7 days with the aneros in
2. After the first week, do your next 7 days (however many sessions you want, you don’t have to do all 7 days for this part) WITHOUT touching your dick while having the aneros in, and no orgasm at the end (important, don’t cum!)
3. Repeat steps 1&2 in bi-weekly cycles until you start to feel your prostate awaken with warmth and good feelings.
If you’re like most guys, until you discover prostate play, you’ll have gone your whole life directly linking “rubbing your penis = pleasure”. The male body has many other ways to feel pleasure, the prostate is one of them. But the simple fact is you’re not going to undo and redefine years and years of muscle and mental memory of pleasure=penis in one or two sessions. You have to train your body and mind to recognize that prostate=pleasure. And this guide above will kickstart that process.
How do I know it’s starting to work?
Cycle 1: Jacking off. Your mind now feels the same pleasure you’re used to, but oh what, now there’s this other thing down here with you, it doesn’t feel good, it doesn’t feel bad, for now it’s just there.
Cycle 2: Aneros in, no jacking off, no orgasm. Your mind will be increasingly thinking “Oh god, I’m horny, but im not feeling any pleasure from my dick. But I’m still horny”
Eventually, your mind will be like “Oh hey, well if I can’t touch my dick, there’s this other thing down there too that I kinda remember feeling nice back when I jacked off with it in… I guess I’ll explore that”
And hence, as you repeat these steps, your brain will start to share the definition of pleasure with both the penis and the prostate. And then you shift the load over to a more prostate centric masturbation mindset. And boom, you’re on your way.
Excellent idea. Definitely something worth trying out, and easy enough to do. Do you have a specific time & stimulation (videos/pics et al) that you do on cycle 2?
I know this is all theoretical, but wouldn’t touching your penis mess with the “re-wiring process” so many people talk about? I’d like to give these sort of methods a shot. I am just so worried it will interfere with that mental training. Also, what are your thoughts on the edging before insertion technique? Seems pretty similar to what you’ve sort of established here.
Very nice advice and choice of metaphors 🙂
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