First HFWO

Hi guys, today I just had my first ever HFWO and it was amazing! I’ve been away for about 3 weeks so I haven’t been able to jack off which has made me extremely horny, so when I got home, I could barely hold back from the temptation of jerking one out.

I decided that I would try my Aneros and see if anything good would happen, and boy, am I glad I did! I’ve been using the Helix syn for about 2 months now, and apart from the odd tingle hear and there, and a bit of precum, I haven’t had much success. Today however was different. I did the usual practice of putting the aneros in and just laying there on my back, with my feet flat on the bed. After about 5 mins I noticed some tingles, more than which I had ever got before which continued to happen, with some more intense tingles appearing here and there.

After what must have been 30 mins, my body started to twitch and jerk back and forth, making my legs shake wildly and my hole body convulse. This was the first time experiencing this so I was a bit surprised, but just let my body do what it wanted to do. (After research I knew that people’s bodies and legs would twitch, but not this harsh and for this long) After about 5 or 10 minutes of this, it got even more intense, and I noticed that it felt like I was gonna orgasm. I started breathing a lot quicker and began moaning from the pleasure, and I was feeling closer and closer to cumming, but my body had other ideas and stopped twitching. I lay there in awe of what just happened, especially after a solid 2 months of barely any feeling.

As I lay there my body begin twitching and spasming, and the same thing happened, although I got to the point of almost cumming quicker this time. This same process happened about 3 more times, each time managing to get closer quicker. On about the 5th attempt I had an orgasm, and to my surprise I shot about 8-10 ropes of cum. I was exhausted after this, but I decided to lay there and see what would happen. I started to twitch and spasm again and I came for the second time in about 5 minutes! I tried to go for a third time but I think my muscles were tired out from the previous attempts, and all that happened where some minor spasms.

To sum up, I was incredibly surprised that I actually had a HFWO, and by how much my body moved and spasmed while it was happening. I was slightly disappointed that it wasn’t a HFDO as I was expecting the orgasm to last a lot longer and be more intense, but beggars can’t be choosers!

What I wanted to ask all of you guys was, do you have any tips on achieving a longer dry orgasm, or a whole body orgasm?

Any PM’s or comments would be appreciated thanks! 🙂



  1. You have to separate your orgasm from ejaculation . Once they are separate, having dry orgasms will be easier to happen

  2. This is awesome! I’ve been trying for months to have the “do nothing” method work for me and sadly no progress

  3. Did you do any pulsing of pc muscles or were you just relaxing

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