Pressure near the tailbone. Normal?

Hey everyone. New to the Aneros and just curious…

I tend to get pressure in front of my tailbone. Not painful, but sometimes the pressure is a bit much. Maybe a little uncomfortable and mentally distracts me from trying to feel the prostate.

I haven’t seen this mentioned here before. Just wondering if that’s a normal feeling or if I should, I don’t, get checked out?

Again it is not painful but it can sometimes get a bit uncomfortable.

Overall I’m loving it. Still haven’t been able to climax from it which I know I’m not supposed to chase, but hopefully one of these days’




  1. Are you using a Trident toy? With the tab that rests in front of your tailbone?

  2. This happened to me, it’s internal though. I’ve had to stop using the aneros, because it seems like my pc muscles are broken. Seems like everything’s super tight down there, it’s hard to poop and it comes out flat like play dough.

    I was freaked out and got a colonoscopy and CT scan and both showed nothing 🙁

    Been dealing with it for a couple years now

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