1. Get an aneros, read the instructions, relax a lot, when you feel good play with the nips.

  2. Fingers are not a good option for waking up fully the prostate or Rewiring.


    So yeah, take an Aneros, take your time, it takes like 5-10 sessions to get real results, always relax and clean your mind, then you can play with nipples. for exemple, Nipples are not necessary now, just 5 minutes of Aneros session are good for a Super O after long time training.

  3. Rewiring is the process of training your mind to recognize and accentuate pleasure that is outside of our normal orgasmic experience. Since it is outside our normal experience it has to be approached through techniques that are outside of our normal techniques. Get your first Aneros and start practicing. Relax, “listen” for any pleasure. The pleasure can manifest itself in different areas so don’t just concentrate on the prostate. For example, pleasure for me starts in my legs. Once you feel the pleasure, don’t chase it and try to actively increase it. Just let it grow. This is hard at first since it goes against our usual male pattern of pleasure generation.

    As far as nipples, the same mentality applies. Gentle caresses, listening for stirrings of pleasure. I have always had extraordinarily sensitive nipples but have begun training for even more sensitivity with a product called Supple Nips. Maybe give them a try.

  4. I’ve always had somewhat sensitive nipples… but I did a lot of research on the topic, and read that an herb called fenugeek is used for nursing mothers to help sensitize their nipples, so I bought the capsule form of the herb, mixed it with some gold bond lotion and lube in a small capped bottle… held the capped bottle under hot water so the ingredients would mix together… then I started rubbing the mixture on my nipples… now the mixture does have a smell of maple syrup and may be a heavier smell if you add alot of the herb… but it certainly did the trick for me…. 4-5 days (1 or 2x day application)… and it made my nipples extremely sensitive.. don’t know if you want to do what I did… but I did the research and made the salve… now my nipples are attached to my prostate… good luck and hope this helps someone… oh yeah, lube your nipples and use your thumbs for flicking and rubbing.. excellent way to massage them

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