need help

hey guys i rlly need some advice. I’ve been experiment with my trident for about a year and a few months ago achieved multiple prostate os that involuntarily came every minute or so. this was the most insane addictive overwhelming pleasure i’ve ever felt and i’m so desperate to recreate but i haven’t been able to. the most i’ve gotten is one single dry o but never those multiples. any advice?



  1. The general advice is to not have expectations, try having a session thinking about nothing in particular, staying present, no thoughts of where you want it to lead or trying to predict anything, and no thoughts about the past either, meditation focuses on this principle too.

  2. I believe the clue in your post is “desperation.” The prostate Os are such a fantastic pleasure that you would DO anything to recreate them. Ironically, it seems that the active pursuit of them is one of the things that chases them away. Our male tendency is to push towards an orgasm. Try some sessions with just calm relaxation and maybe just some really light contraction. Feel for the pleasure and if you feel it don’t chase it, just let it linger and grow on its own. I wish you the best of luck! It took me years to get results after an initial success because I was chasing it.

  3. I’ve had multi O’s… Super O’s…. HFWO… HFDO…. And I can NEVER predict what is going to cum, next session… just need to set the mood, stick it in, rubbing and massaging those nipples, grind and rotate that aneros… and you get what you get.. sometimes amazing… sometimes delirious…. Sometimes screamers… and then many times, just enjoyable for a short while… take what you can get and enjoy the Journey…

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