Successfully Inserted Helix Trident, What Next?

Hey all,

still relatively new to prostate play and I finally successfully inserted the helix trident which felt like a big step. I wasn’t quite sure what to do next and tried a few different moves and squeezes which all felt good. Any advice on how to generate more sensation or things 9 read to help with this? Thanks!



  1. Learn to squeeze your anal sphincter and prostate separately. Muscles you use to pinch your shit and stop peeing. What ever feels good is a first step.
    Try squeezing and holding both. Aim is to tire out muscles and cause spasming; which causes toy to move and independently massage your prostate.
    Have fun. Long road. A good tip is if you ever try and force it…your doing the wrong thing.

  2. I’m in the do nothing technique camp. Lay on your right side, relax and see where it takes you. I just had an amazing morning session. Ready for the day.

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