Helix Syn Trident wont fit . How to stretch?

I’m very new to prostate play . I tried the Helix Syn Trident for the first time but it would not fit, not at all . I used lots of lube got my finger in there but it wouldn’t go more than half my finger deep felt like something was blocking it from going in deeper .

Any tips on beginners for how to stretch ?
Should I buy a butt plug ?

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/aneros/comments/ytgupc/helix_syn_trident_wont_fit_how_to_stretch/


  1. The syn trident as actually quite small as far as toys go. You just need to relax and not tense up as much. If you are a 100% new to prostate or anal play tensing up is the first reaction to having something up there.

  2. Squeeze your hand closed, now with your hand closed try to pick up a glass of water. Ah, it won’t fit, do you need a hand stretcher? No, you need to open your hand.

    If you can’t figure out how to relax press the aneros against your anus and now strain like you are pushing to try to defecate for a split second then relax, then strain again and relax again, start pulsing. When you defecate your internal and external anal spincters naturally relax to allow stool to pass through. I imagine you have probably passed stool bigger than an aneros without any pain, that’s because your spincters are relaxed when you poop. Usually the rest of the time you keep them tensed so you don’t crap your pants. Well, if you want to use these kinds of toys then you are going to have to relax manually.

    Its easy enough once you figure out the feeling of relaxing and where the spincters are tensing, but it seems you need to learn that. So maybe that kind of pushing and pulsing like you are trying to defecate will prime you to feel that natural relaxation and having the toy right there gently pressing at the entrance waiting to pounce usually works.

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