Newbies lack of arousal and “not working” posts.

I found this a few months back and was sold so I’m a newbie myself, I see quite of few posts talking about (what should one do) (it isn’t working) (what’s the best positions) etc… so, of course this is for newbies like myself that have seen some sucess, and not for the experienced booty connoisseurs on here whom I blame for getting me into this in the first place lol

Guys we are all different, the name of the game is exploring and finding what works for you. That’s the beauty of this whole experience, getting to the destination without the journey defeats the purpose, read others experience, discover your own body, try different methods and most importantly don’t get frustrated, enjoy it. Some people likes the big stuff, others like myself could never take it and rather have the little toys. Positioning is very much subjective, try it all and see how your body responds. By no means I say this as the voice of reason lol I was on the same boat at first and thought this was all a dud for the first couple days myself. I’ll share a compressed version of my experience thus far.

Day 1 helix trident arrives along with electric generic Amazon massager, two different types of lubes. I’m home and ready to see what this fuss is about, I did not account for the fact of at age 29 nothing has ever went in my butt lol so the massager is a no go, no chance I’m getting it in there without feeling like I’m essentially giving birth in reverse. After a lot of trials and tribulations helix goes halfway in, very uncomfortable, urge to poo not fun. Day 2 helix again a bit easier in and it goes all the way in, a bit of exploring position wise but nothing pleasurable just uncomfortable.

Day 3 about 5 days later a bit more research and I saw someone mentioning dressing in lingerie while having a session, my girl and I don’t live together so there are tons of stuff I find sexy that I’ve bought her at my place. What the hell why not try that, I put some lingerie on and felt ridiculous while putting it on BUT it’s like something clicked, I just knew this session would be different, I was aroused by the whole scenario looked at my ass in the mirror and couldn’t believe it, I’m picky when it comes to what I’m attracted to, but I thought to myself I’d tap that lmaoo. I took some pics, helix goes in smoothly while I lay on my stomach and looked in disbelief at the pics I took of myself in lingerie lol I had some amazing pwaves, and it was great, I knew I was unto something.

I’m sharing this not as if it isn’t working for you, dressing in lingerie will solve the problem but rather the exploration part of the journey it took me to get there. I literally spent a lot of time questioning why do i get so aroused dressing girly, the conclusion was that I would rather make out/cuddle anything romantic with a dead bloated possum on the side of the road than a man, not that there’s anything wrong with it, but dressing girly gets me in just the right mood to have a great session everytime, reason being I am attracted to femininity so putting myself in that realm was my key to unlock the right mindset going into it. I have not reached the heights of super O’s or anything like that, but I’ve experienced amazing sensation and body locking shivers.

Take the time, enjoy yourself and the journey, try things you never thought you would, be creative and enjoy it.



  1. Thank you for that great perspective. I may give some new things a try. BTW it’s Opossum and they’re terrible at kissing…ask me how I know. ha.

  2. That’s funny I was reading a Japanese website all about prostate orgasms and this was one of the recommendations.

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