The Progasm. Such a great purchase for me

I’ve been experimenting with prostate play for about two years. Due to my family schedule and my own naivety and me being impatient I did not make much progress, or rather I didn’t make quick progress. I had worked my way through fingers to ‘training kits’ to generic toys to more expensive toys and finally settled on a dildo and an Aneros, the Helix Syn Trident.

Even then they didn’t do things for me every time, only some of the time. I looked at what I had and used and I decided I needed a bigger toy, but not bigger for the sake of being big. I wanted something with purpose so I picked up the Progasm the other day.

I have seen the posts of people saying, ‘my prostate to too high up,’ and I chalked it up to them meaning, ‘it’s not as easy as it sounds / looks in the videos.’ Boy was I wrong.

When I first opened the box I was surprised by how big the Progasm is and thought, “What have I gotten myself into?”. It’s much bigger than the Helix Syn Trident. Looking back at it I was disappointed with how small the Helix was but I trusted that Aneros knew what they were doing.

I prepped myself and inserted the Progasm and immediately knew I had made the right decision. I felt it press against my prostate and I started getting hard which was thrilling to me. I stood for a few seconds just enjoying the feeling.

The pleasure it brought was different and in some ways better than having my cock played with. Nothing beats the intimacy of someone else touching you but the Progasm was something special.

As I was sitting on my couch I was going my Kegels and each and every time it brought me pleasure. I would hold the flex longer each time and each time I felt more pleasure. On one flex I held it for as long as I could and I went from being completely soft to hard. That had never happened before.

Side note: Guys. Do your Kegels!!

As pleasurable as it all was I’m pretty sure I didn’t have a p-gasm but rather a blended orgasm, actually three of them. That had never happened before either. My body didn’t shake due to the orgasm (which I hope will happen one day) but my body did tense involuntarily which made the Progasm press harder which made me tense more.

I haven’t reached the destination of having a super O but with better understanding and tools I know I’m on the right path.



  1. For me, it’s the Eupho. The Progasm gives me too… what’s the word, too heavy of an orgasm? Too deep? Eupho gives more of an all over feeling, which I enjoy a lot more. Very hard to describe lol

  2. I found the Progasm a little ‘daunting’ at first (starting like you with a Helix Syn) but it’s now my go to starter Aneros in a session… once things are ‘well warmed up’ I tend to move to the Eupho – I find the contrast tween the two an intense experience – full and firm to light and agile is quite delightful…. And yeah Kegels are worth the effort… enjoyed the post OP always nice to read a post like that on a Monday AM 🙂

  3. I am a huge proponent of the [Progasm](Progasm-black-ice?bg_ref=A0B5yAsItP&" rel="nofollow ugc"> It’s a fantastic toy, and I love that I can use any lube I’d like with it. It’s intense, hard as fuck, and my first toy.

    You’re definitely on the right path, just stay relaxed, focused, and breathe. Let the toy do the work.

  4. I have been playing for year or two with smaller aneros toys (Eupho and trident) and while I’ve felt some pleasurable feelings, in the end they have been Meh..

    Read your reply and decided that what a heck, let’s get one more and ordered Progasm. Arrived today and I gave it a try even though I just came yesterday and was not “feeling it” so to say.

    But as a pleasurable surprise Progasm somehow actually fitted better for me and I felt how it was moving towards the right spot just when I was just relaxing. Played around slowly squeezing and moving and I actually had some interesting feelings I’ve not had earlier with aneros. It just somehow felt like it “clicked” better on my butt and actually did something while relaxed

    Now I’m waiting patiently until I’m actually in the mood but I have a feeling that I will have much more success with Progasm than the smaller siblings. Had a really nice session even though I was just “test driving quickly” 😀

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