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  2. I think there are only Trident models nowadays, but there is the syn Trident (covered with a silicone layer) and the plastic Trident (white plastic).

    I own only the plastic versions so I can’t compare.

  3. The difference is the [Eupho Syn](Eupho-syn-trident?bg_ref=A0B5yAsItP&aff_source=reddit" rel="nofollow ugc">https://www.aneros.com/products/Eupho-syn-trident?bg_ref=A0B5yAsItP&aff_source=reddit) is made with silicone (hence you need to be careful with the lube you use) and the [Eupho Trident](Eupho-trident?bg_ref=A0B5yAsItP&tid1=reddit" rel="nofollow ugc">https://www.aneros.com/products/Eupho-trident?bg_ref=A0B5yAsItP&tid1=reddit) is made with ABS plastic which is a lot harder of a ride.

    Personally I like the trident series because I can use super slippery silicone lube and since it gets crazy slippery, it can really move well with my butt muscles in whichever direction it needs to go in the moment.

    I find the regular Syn tends to need a lot of reapplication to keep things more or less ‘fluid’ in regards to movement.

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