Having aless pwaves/pgasms and cannot sleep

TL;DR I am currently on my second night of no sleep. Send help.

I’ve been at this whole prostate pleasure thing for many years now. Have a Helix Syn and love it to death; this sub was very useful for figuring out the techniques <3

About a year ago, I finally had a super O and also was able to experience Aless pleasure. Having spent years to get to the top of the proverbial mountain, I felt incredibly satisfied with myself.

Fast forward to two or three days ago. I hadn’t done any prostate play in a long time, and had reverted to jerking off. I think I overdid it though, because my prostate kinda stung sometimes.

Anyways, I had smoked some bud and was feeling pretty good but not at all in a mood for an Aneros sesh (had shit to do in the morning lol) when I was suddenly overcome by a massive Aless super O that came out of nowhere and blindsided me. When it happened, I was pleasantly surprised, but the thing is.. it was only the beginning.

It seems the progressive relaxation techniques are a double edged sword..

Now, whenever I’m trying to sleep, I get intense pwaves and I literally can’t sleep. It’s the second night of no sleep. I feel like absolute shit but God, it feels so damn good too.. fuck

Send help.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/aneros/comments/12fghqz/having_aless_pwavespgasms_and_cannot_sleep/


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  2. yup been there after the aless Os start happening.

    I jerked off and they went away so i could sleep

  3. Maybe not to this extreme, but I’ve had some uncontrollable ALESS orgasms after the 1st time I hit them. Reverse kegels and relaxing helped me get them under control.

    Idk your life, but in case you don’t do them. After the next time you pee, stand straight up and draw a deep diaphragmatic breath, deep enough such that the breath expands your pelvis. Then, VERY CAREFULLY “push the breath into your pelvis,” kinda like you’re pushing your pee out, while relaxing your pelvic floor. Done correctly, you should feel pressure in your prostate, bladder and urethra.

    This helped me relieve passive tension that may have been contributing to ALESS orgasms I wasn’t asking for. Maybe it’ll help you

  4. I’ve read that Marijuana and tantric sex techniques can cause psychosis where you get locked like a blubbering fool in an endless loop of orgasms. Sounds great, but it’s not because it doesn’t end, you can no longer work, etc. Lay off the weed and your problem will likely go away.

  5. Did you solve your issue? Think your prostate is just sore and with the weed it’s super sensitive and thinks you are playing with it. Try jerking off more and doing some exercise to get that energy out

  6. Search a good chiropractic in your area. Looks like your body can produce a lot of energy that you can not control. A good chiropractic may help you to balance this energy.

    The chiropractic works over the central nervous system.

  7. Take a couple Benadryl.

    I had this happen, tho not to a really bad extent, and that solved it for me.

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