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  2. What country? If you are in the Philippines or something I understand, but in many countries weed is illegal-ish. That is, not hard to find and not a major problem to be caught with. Not trying to push you to do illegal things but I’ve never lived where weed was legal and I’ve always had it lying around (along with a ton of other seriously illegal drugs).

    I’ve never had kava but from what I read it is alcohol-like, so I doubt it is great, but you can try and get back to us.

    Ultimately drugs are not essential to have orgasms, but weed definitely helps a lot of people!

  3. I’ve used kava for many years. It’s effects are more like weed than anything else. I haven’t had a prostate orgasm yet in over a year of trying so I can’t say that it is the solution but that just might be me.

    If you decide to try it, Doublewood does pretty good capsules but the good stuff is the micronized kava that you stir into liquid. You can get it through Kalm with Kava. If you live in the south Pacific, you might be able to get it in a more natural form.

  4. Macca is good for arousal. The only thing about cannabis that helps is the relaxation and arousal. If you are aroused and can do deep breathing to relax, you should not need anything.

    I just became rewired after many years of not getting any types of orgasm. Now I have seven different types.

    Keep at it, you will get it when you stop trying.

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