Using Aneros and Experiencing Sexual Awakening The Past Few Weeks

Just thought I’d share my story here. These past few weeks have been incredible and I’m feeling things I’ve never felt before with my aneros. Basically things have been very positive in my life, I’ve been working out, taking supplements, spending time in nature and simply feeling great. I’m beginning to have what I can only describe as a sexual awakening.

The story is that I hadn’t bothered with prostate play for a while but a few weeks ago I decided to take the plunge again. This means having a session every 2-3 days and no masturbating in-between for a massive build-up. The result is long, beautiful, luscious, mind melting and body contorting sessions that get longer and longer, better and better the more I keep up my routine. These sessions are better than those of the past.

It’s been an amazing ride. I’m experienced and as soon as I slip lube up my aneros (original MGX and Eupho Syn are my favs) and slip her into my relaxed hole the fluttering and the pleasure begins, no waiting around. I can now easily achieve multiple controlled HFDO’s and when it all becomes too much I let my control slip, open the floodgates and climax the session with a HFWO. I lie panting, exhausted and covered with a flood of my juices before taking a nice shower and then bed. I’m actually still not sure if I’ve ever had a Super O but I now know that it’s my destiny to get there. (My wish, that I’m beginning to achieve, is to use these sexual experiences to unlock higher states of consciousness and love. I have found the key to prostate pleasure is as much mental and spiritual as it is physical. A bit beyond the subject of this post lol)

In the days between sessions my sex drive is wild, intense sexual thoughts and images fill my mind, I’m constantly in a state between semi and rock hard and I’m leaking ungodly amounts of juicy slick precum. You might think this is a distraction but it isn’t, it’s amazing. I focus all this energy into the day to day and living life. Things are great and my productivity is higher than it’s ever been.

All that is excellent but last week I had the best session I ever had. It was a very positive day and I channelled all that positivity and love into sexual energy and focused it directly on my prostate. After an amazing round of HFDO’s I began to feel something else. It was like a point of heat and light combined and focused directly on my prostate. It got hotter and hotter, the hottest thing I’ve ever felt. It should have been burning agony but it wasn’t. It was pure bliss, pure pleasure, pure joy. A point of unimaginable ecstasy right on my p spot. It was beyond anything I’ve ever felt before, a little shining glimpse of what heaven must feel like.

Sadly I couldn’t maintain it and it faded into very intense but familiar felling of pleasure I’m familiar with. I’m going to keep working on myself and I’m determined to experience that beautiful heat again. Just the possibility of that feeling lasting longer and spreading beyond my prostate to encompass more and more of my body makes it worth the effort.

Has anyone else had a similar experience, either of focusing feelings of love and positivity into prostate play or experiencing that point of blissful light/heat right on the prostate?



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  2. Well, when I have super o’s… my thoughts, which are normally as neutral you one could be, become filled with feelings of love, harmony and intense happiness to the point that sometimes I instinctively vocalize it, “I’m so happy!” over and over during the session. And a couple times that happiness and pleasure brings me to tears.

    Wild cause I’m as unemotional as they come lol

  3. I experience Super Os when I start achieving PO’s then continue to really hammer my prostate during the PO’s… just keep hammering and hammering even when you feel you have to stop because of the tremendous blissful feelings you’ve experiencing.. then while you’re hammering away, your entire body and being will feel almost like a POP… and you will feel almost like an out of body, floating on air feeling… your body will probably start writhing in ecstasy and your head will start spinning and shaking… all the while, you will feel like you’re entirely floating in the air…sometimes my Maximus will start automatically sucking in and out by itself, rubbing the hell out of your prostate… like it’s actually fucking you… usually it takes everything I can muster to reach down and rip out the Maximus out of my ass… that’s the only way I can stop the Super O… and you will feel totally exhausted… so, yes for sure… you will undoubtedly know that you’ve experienced a Super O…believe me, it’s an Out of Body experience… good luck, you’re almost there ..

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