Prostate Orgasm

Hello, So I have been trying to get an orgasm from prostate but no success so far the closest I have ever been was getting a little tickling sensation. I usually use a dildo and have tried several positions like riding it using my hands to gelp navigate it. Sticking it on wall and humping it but no success so far. I am thinking to try again today but need to know what I should be doing and looking for.

Please share your experience how you achieved it and how it feels and how ik that I am doing right




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  2. For me it starts off as simply being aware of sensations. I let myself be relaxed by the aneros, as if i was laying my back on a tennis ball or something. Let it work you. With relaxation comes sensations, slight pressure, tingling that may come and go. Eventually theres a building sensation that feels like butterflies or latent ‘horniness’, as if youre about to come but ‘inside’ of yourself. If I tap into it and ‘flow’ with it there are convulsions that are like ejaculating but not really as intense. they tend to have a life and logic of their own. They’ll subside, recur or sometimes build on top of one another until i literally cant handle it anymore. This is what i identify as the prostate orgasm.

  3. If the toy is in it’s already hitting the right spot.

    If you were to see a masseuse and they were to put their hands on you, what would you do? How would you feel? Think of the toy as a massager first.

  4. It’s not so much about the toy but how you use the toy. If you use the Aneros then what you are doing is to train your muscles to move the Aneros in and out without touching it. It’s the rhythmic pulsating of the muscles that is massaging the prostate from the inside which eventually gives you an orgasmic feeling. Once you get used to the feeling and how to do it you don’t need the toy and can do the same muscle movements.

    In a way, I think that we use these same muscles during sex or masturbation and sometimes we get an amazing feeling combined with penile orgasm. By training the prostrate muscles we begin to understand the separation of the feels and expand the awareness of the feelings.

    I think also that orgasm is the wrong word. It seems that the feeling can give a loss of control and spasming but that can continue for as long as you keep up the muscle movements and the great feeling can last a long time not just and instantaneous orgasm when coming. I guess women experience orgasm like this more than the feeling of the male orgasm.

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