Some newbie questions

Hi guys I have some newbie questions:

1. After sessions do you feel more energetic or drained? in the long run do you feel like Aneros helped you with releasing traumas and negative emotions?
2. For the guys who like to be on their stomaches – How can you manage not humping the bed? How do you position yourselves?
3. Which aneros model do you like the most?



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  2. After a really good session I feel very Euphoric and content, like floating in an afterglow.

    I don’t do sessions on my stomach very much but if I do I tuck everything down towards my feet.

    I have every model of Aneros except for the Vice and my favorites are the Eupho and Helix.

  3. 1. Depends. When I was first starting out it made me feel really energetic. It still sometimes can if I do my session midday, but I prefer to do them at night now to help me relax.

    2. I rarely do stomach anymore, but when I did, I would put a chair on the edge of my bed and drape myself from the chair to bed so that there was a space where my dick wouldn’t touch anything but air. You can try differnt levels/angles with this too, as I remember having a few really wild Super-Os with this, including one where it felt like I did astral projection.

    3. The Maximus. It hits the spot just right and doesn’t move as much as other models. The MGX is my second favorite. The Helix, Eupho, and Progasms have never done much for me.

    I was curious if the SGX would work too, but there doesn’t seem to be any place that sells them here. I also never got a chance to try the classic Maximus before the trident series.

  4. Normally I go to sleep after my session, but a lot of the time I actually find it difficult to fall asleep immediately following one, so I guess it makes me feel more energized. As far as releasing negative emotions goes, I don’t find it effective. Set and setting is very important for me during my sessions. If I’m not mentally and emotionally in the moment, my session is usually a dud and I end it more frustrated than I was when I started.

    I don’t lay on my stomach during sessions, the stimulation of my penis that comes with that takes away from the full-body sensations that the aneros gives me.

    I only have the Helix Syn and the Progasm at the moment, but of those two I like the Helix better. Mostly because its the one I’ve used the most and its the one I’m most comfortable with, but also the Progasm has hurt almost every time I’ve used it.

  5. I always feel energized and high on endorphins after a session, my favorite toys are Tempo (static) and Vice 2 (vibrating)

  6. 1. Much more energetic. Yes.
    2. Lateral recumbent position – kind of – on one side arm and leg drawn up with all joints at about 90 degrees, other side stretched leg and arm lying stretched out next to the body. Rolling a bit to the stretched side helps giving best parts some space.
    3. Eupho Syn Trident.

  7. I do both back and stomach.. but I tend to favor the stomach. I never have a problem with sensation on the stomach.. It seems like I’m able to just turn off the erection most of the time..
    I HAVE had what I thought was a wet O while on the stomach. Erection, pulsing, the whole 9 yards. But no ejaculate, and no refractory period.
    Eupho is my go to… and it was the 5th aneros I purchased. (Including Paridise)
    I usually feel pretty Euphoric after. No crash.
    And I usually have tiny p-waves throughout the rest of the day and into the next day, even while I’m working.
    Think I had about 15 hfdo today over about 4-5 hours.. but I stppped in the middle to get something to

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