First HFWO..Wow

I’ve been experimenting with different aneros toys for about 7 months. I always have some solid results usually, but like most I had been “peaking” and not been able to produce much other than some good feelings.

I have tried different versions, owning the programs jr, eupho, MGX, and Maximus. Recently I had been rotating between the Maximus and programs jr with ok results.

Until yesterday when I decided to use the eupho for the first time in a few months…

I started my session as I always do. Took an edible, cleaned up, and then waited about an hour to let the edible kick in.

Lubed up, inserted my eupho, and for whatever reason something felt different. I still am not sure why.

I layed on my bed on my back with a small pillow under my lower back, with another larger pillow supporting my legs up in the air.

I focused on breathing slowly. Counting in 6 seconds, exhaling 6 seconds. I tried to relax fully and tried to not contract any muscles down there.

Within 15 minutes I was feeling an extreme “fullness” and “pressure” around my prostate. This has happened before, but usually it flies away. This was constant. I tried to focus on it. I know many are against using porn, but I decided to turn on some while this was happening.

My heart started beating crazy fast. A wave of tingling came over my entire body. I tried to keep my breathing consistent, but I hadn’t experienced this before.

I was rock hard the entire time. I wasn’t focused on this, but could tell. This lasted for maybe another 10-15 minutes. I was in bliss..I had never felt like this before. Then out of nowhere I had a HFWO. It was amazing and unexpected. I can’t describe how great it felt.

After it happened my body was almost in shock. I layed in bed for another 10-15 because I was still feeling great and had to calm down lol.

I want to progress to HFDO at some point. But my main reason for writing this, is that this is a journey. I didn’t do anything differently than normal, yet I had my best experience to date.

I want to try again today, but I am not sure if I need to give my body a break or not lol



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  2. So did you feel tired after your HFWO and lost your erection insantly due to refractory period? If so, it will be way harder to have another success like this without resting for some time.

    Those 10-15 min of being rock hard before your HFWO, were you like at the edge of the orgasm? Also at that point you had all your muscles relaxed and just your meat was on autopilot? As for me the only way to get HFWO is by flexing my muscles.

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