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  2. Or look at a steel toy since those come in different lengths.

    I love my Aneros collection but a heavy steel version is something they need to roll out.

  3. I was in same boat, using big toys (some huge!) for many years. Got a NJoy wand, and a small knock off prostate massager similar to the Helix which first did nothing. So kept using the NJoy which felt great from the first day, rough in first sessions which I really enjoyed, but gradually I went smoother with it without thinking much about it. Then, I tried the smaller prostate massager and it felt good, not amazing but good. Since quality wasn’t good I went for Aneros MGX and also the Peridise since are cheap I read around good things around them here, all felt great.

    A week after getting the Aneros I when for a one month trip abroad and took the small Peridise with me. Within a couple days into my trip I had an unexpected very explosive HFWO….the rest is history 🙂 now I’m such a fan of aneros (I added the Helix and Progasm).

    Best prostate only sessions I’m having now with the Peridise, Helix, MGX and NJoy. I always include the Peridise small, the others up to how the sensations evolve. I’m also having incredible sessions combining prostate with depth or stretching…endless possibilities!

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