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  2. Some people respond better to the more rigid plastic. Others prefer the softer, gentle touch of the silicone. For me the biggest difference between the hard plastic OG white Aneros models and the Syn models is the tabs. That rigid OG plastic is just as rigid in the tabs, and it can be distracting and kinda painful when those tabs dig into your skin. There are things that can be done, like adding a small rubber cap or tissue paper. That doesn’t happen with the Syn models because they flex. But because they flex, I feel like they don’t pivot as well. The hard plastic tabs on the Progasm and Progasm Jr feel pretty good. Probably my favorite Aneros is the Helix Syn V though. It vibrates and is the right kind of vibration to be helpful. And the tabs are still Syn, but are more rigid. So it pivots well and is very effective externally on the perineum. Even if you don’t always use the vibration, it still works just as well.

  3. I’d take the Helix Syn. It’s soft, it vibrates. Not everyone likes vibrations but for me it’s a must, it really adds to the experience but worst case, you just don’t use the vibrations. Also, I think it works fine for beginners as for experienced. It’s not really hard to insert, it fits really well.

  4. I wouldn’t start with a Progasm, that is a big piece of plastic. I have the Helix Syn, great for long term wear, I get started with it but it’s usually not enough to get me over the top. The MGX plastic is my go to for serious sessions, a little silicone lube and I can go for a couple hours with it. The Progasm is a blunt cudgel that assaults your prostate. There is no subtlety or fine muscular control. I don’t have it, but my understanding is the Eupho is the opposite, you have to have the fine muscular control and great technique to get anything out of it.

  5. Pick one… I like the plastic models best (have both) and give it a go… you’ll get more than 1, eventually… good luck

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